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"Yes, that's me!" Woozi said with a smile. "And no need to be so formal, just call me Woozi." He added.

"Okay, you can call me S.coups then." S.coups smiled as he shook Woozi's hand.

"Mingyu." Mingyu introduced himself as he shook Woozi's hand next. "We're all excited to have booked you for tonight." He added.

"And I'm excited to be here. It's not every day I get to perform for such a famous group of people!" Woozi said.

"Well, I hope we aren't too much. The rest of the team is pretty excited about the win." Seungcheol chuckled nervously.

Woozi was met with loud cheers and screams when Seungcheol opened the back door. "We'll let you get all set up, but don't be afraid to flag us down if you need anything." Seungcheol said as he and Mingyu made their way over to the drink bar.

As Woozi set up his microphone and in-ear pack, he felt eyes on him. He looked up to see that it was one of the racers.

Tiger's Eye

He looked Woozi up and down with a small smirk, sending him a wink when their eyes met. Woozi felt his cheeks heat up and prayed no one else could see.

Thankfully, it was time for Woozi to start performing. The lights dimmed even more as a single spotlight landed on Woozi.

More cheers filled the room as Woozi started singing. The first cover song was Centuries by Fall Out Boy.

The rest of the night went by fast, Woozi singing a mix of covers chosen by the guests and then the other half of the setlist were songs that Woozi wrote himself.

After his scheduled time, Woozi was just planning on heading out and allowing the racers enjoy their party.

But Seungcheol and Halo, who introduced himself as Jeonghan, begged for Woozi to stay and hang out with them.

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