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"Hoshi, where are we going?" Woozi asked. "Don't you want to go celebrate with your teammates?" He asked the older.

"I see those guys everyday, one night away won't kill me." Hoshi teased. "And plus, we had a deal." Hoshi added with a smirk.

"Okay... But what are we doing here?" Woozi asked as Hoshi pulled into the parking lot Sector 17 practice tracks.

Hoshi pointed over Woozi's shoulder to see a semi-truck pull up behined them. It was the semi-truck that contained Hoshi's car.

"I had my driver bring my car back early." Hoshi smiled. "So what do you say, wanna go for a ride cutie?" Hoshi asked.

If Woozi had to take a shot for every time Hoshi had called him cutie, he'd probably be wasted in seconds.

"Like... on the racetrack?" Woozi asked.

"Well yeah, ovbiously." Hoshi teased. "Don't worry, I won't go too fast."

"Okay." Woozi gave in as Hoshi took the younger hand and brought him onto the track, which was lit up with bright lights.

Hoshi helped Woozi into the passenger seat and buckled his seatbelt. "Thank you." Woozi muttered, blush spreading across his face.

"Okay, you ready?" Hoshi asked, placing his hand on Woozi's thigh.

"Just - you know, fuck it lets go!" Woozi said as Hoshi floored it, pracitaly sending them flying down the race track.

Woozi didn't think he'd scream as much as he did. He also lost count how many laps they did, they started to blur toghther from how fast Hoshi was going.

"Did you have fun?" Hoshi asked as he opened Woozi's door and unbuckled the other's seatbelts.

"I think doing the figure 8's may have been a bit much." Woozi groan. Hehe felt like the world was spinning.

"Don't worry, I got you." Hoshi laughed as he picked Woozi up and set him on the hood of his car. "You okay?" He asked.

Woozi hummed as he nodded, grabbing Hoshi by his collar, pulling him closer so Woozi could fully wrap his legs around Hoshi's waist.

There was a long, silent pause, where the 2's gazes flicked between their eyes and the others lips.

Woozi made the first move, wrapping his arms around Hoshi's shoulder as he pulled the older into a passionate kiss.

Hoshi kissed back immedtialy with just as much passion, his hands resting on Woozi's hips.

"What was that for?" Hoshi asked, only slightly pulling away.

"Our deal, I told you if you won your race, I would reward you." Woozi whispered against Hoshi's lips. "And you sir." Woozi held up the gold medal Hoshi was letting him wear.


"I defiently won more than the race tonight." Hoshi smiled as he pulled Woozi into another kiss.

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