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Saturday finally rolled around and not only was Woozi exicted to have a day off from work, but also because he could see Hoshi again.

(And the other Sector 17 racers.)

But Woozi was a bit nervous, sure he and Hoshi had gotten close through texting, but this would only be the second time they've seen eachother face to face.

The auto show, which was held outside the officaial Sector 17 race track, and started at 2pm, 1 hour befor the race would start.

All 12 of the racers cars were parked and the racers stood with their car, all dressed up in their fancy race gear.

VIP members were able to get autographs and take photos with the racers.

Woozi immeditally noticed how long the lines were for each racer. Each member was populuar in their own way.

Seungcheol and Wonwoo were popular with males.

Mingyu, Jeonghan, and Hoshi were popular with females.

Joshua and Dk were popular with paretnts and older folk

Jun, The8 and Vernon were popular with international visiters.

And Seungkwan and Dino were popular with the younger genteration.

"Woozi! You made it." Seungcheol smiled seeing the singer was next in his line.

"I told y'all I'd stop by!"  Woozi smiled as he handed his phone over to one of the staff to snap a picture of the 2.

"You better go visit Hoshi next, I can see him pouting from here." Seungcheol whispred as Woozi turned to catch Hoshi staring at the 2.

"I'll probally come back if your line isn't to long mr. leader!" Woozi waves goodbye as he gets into Hoshi's line.

"YOU'RE HERE!" Hoshi cheered when it was finally Woozi's turn.

"I'm glad I got to come." Woozi smiled, it was a nice warm sunny day, perfect day for a race.

"And might I say, you look stunning." Hoshi whispred.

Under Hoshi's black race jacket, he wore a lavender button up, and black shorts, with a pair of sunglasses resting ontop of his head.

"Thank you." Woozi smiled brighly. "Should we take a photo?" He asked as Hoshi nodded.

Woozi handed his phone over to the staff before joining Hoshi infront of the racers car. Hoshi then decided to pick Woozi up, leading the singer to wrap his legs around Hoshi's waist. 

Woozi was suprised at how easily Hoshi could hold him on his hip.

As the staff took the photos, Woozi got an idea of his own.

He decided to lean in and place a kiss on Hoshi's cheek.

"What was that for?" Hoshi asked as he put Woozi down so the singer could get his phone back from the staff.

"For good luck ovbiously." Woozi smiled as he had to bite back a laugh at how shocked Hoshi looked in the picture when Woozi kissed his cheek,.

"Can I get another one? I'm going to need all the luck I can get today!" Hoshi asked.

"Nuh uh. But I can promise you something if you win?" Woozi suggested as Hoshi's eyes lit up.

"You got yourself a deal!" 

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