Seeds of the Gods - 6 - Seedling

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395 B.C.E. - The Village of Falerri, Warmarch through the Acerian Valley, Deep Winter, Month of December

From His Memory

She watched him with a heartbreaking expression, trepidation and resignation in eyes that were too old for her youth. Even so, despite being spent he was frighteningly eager to stay with her, to hold her and comfort her. His lust for her had only grown over the last few weeks but Falx refused to bend any more of his own rules for one small Acerian slavegirl.

So Falx left the tent, the flap shutting behind him as he left her alone. Just outside, Marcus stood waiting.

"She is hungry, Marcus. Bath her, feed her, we march in the morning."

"Shall I send her back to her tent, Master?" Marcus asked.

"No," Falx snapped, before reigning in his temper. "No," he said in a softer voice but no less unyielding, "she stays in my tent."

"Master?" Marcus's eyes widened on him, but there was a satisfied gleam in his eyes that Falx ignored.

"From now on, she'll stay in my tent. She won't need to be watched or tied any longer if she's with me. I have no time to seek her out nor do I have men available to waste guarding a slavegirl."

"I see," Marcus responded, his expression telling Falx that he did, in fact, see. "Very good then, Master. I will make certain she is ready for you when you return."

"Excellent, Marcus." Falx said with a bite. It was the man's idea to bring the girl to him in the first place.

His bodyslave had been correct, damn him, the sweet Acerian girl was not even comparable to the coarse army followers that dwelt on the edges of his camp. In the last weeks he had ordered her brought to him every day and only twice had he slept without her tucked next to him on his bedroll. At first she had her own small tent pitched next to the other women, but he hated that she walked through the camp to come to him, hated that she was forced to hear and see the raw reality of a camp followers life. She had lost weight. She stubbornly refused every piece of meat Marcus gave her. Her eyes had become more haunted. Raw marks were burned into her delicate skin around her wrists and ankles where the rope tied her to the center pole of her tent. She was wasting away.

Acera were weak. What if she sickened? What if he lost her.

Marcus cleared his throat behind him. "Ah, Master? Where are you going? Captain Quintus and General Flavius will be here soon to discuss the next campaign."

"I'll return by then." Falx walked away, trusting Marcus to take care of her. He found himself wandering to the pens, staring at the men and women held captive there. Wooden cages open to the elements, the slaves were only allowed out of them for the amusement of their new captors. Those soldiers who performed well were given an hour with a woman, or man, of their choice as a reward. It was not what Falx wished for the slaves. Many of them had already sickened from the harsh treatment, but soon he would be able to send them on to Rune, and hopefully a better circumstance.

"Maximus," he greeted the guard assigned to the pens. The man nodded back, muttering his own greeting. Lines of stress were etched into the man's eyes. He was not eager for this duty.

"New slave women," Maximus nodded to Falx. The other women had been taken here, as he had instructed Marcus. Two men, loyal belators, had taken the gentle-looking dark-haired girl into one of the tents set aside for such uses. She was weeping softly, but the men were not being too harsh, too cruel. Their voices were low, soothing, their touches gentle.

"They are brave ones, General," Maximus followed Falx's gaze. "These Acera. Hardier than the ones I remember from my youth."

Frowning, Falx nodded, though he wondered how much stronger these Acera really were than those born to slavery in Rune. Runion slaves were well tended, fed, safe from war and famine unless they were unlucky enough to have a harsh master. These Acera were thinner and far more wild, but Falx still understood Maximus's point. These Acera, the females especially, were... tough.

With blank eyes, Falx watched his soldiers rub the dark-haired slavegirl's pussy until her legs parted slowly. Thania had worn the same expression, that alarmed, dazed look, as he had taken her that first time. The first few times, to tell the truth. At least she had not shied from him, not fought him or become hysterical. Maximus was correct, she was brave. An admirable quality in an Acerian girl with so few years. Falx watched as the first warrior slowly forced his cock into the little slavegirl while his brethern stroked her hair and kissed her cheeks, whispering still.

The look on the Tasuris' face was one of careful bliss. Her reluctant surrender was granting their demons peace. His warriors needed these females. It wasn't fair to send the Acera to Rune, to be fought over by the rich, fat patrician families. Good belators like these needed Acera.

Maybe they could share, have one female for two or three males. Falx felt something stir in his demon at the thought. He didn't think he would like to share his sweet girl, but others... would they be willing?

He was satisfied with his decision to keep her closer to him, under his protection at all times. It made him ill to think of sending her here, of seeing her being rutted by random soldiers.

The missive from his father burned in his mind. The Senate had reinstated his father as Dictator of Rune with the express purpose of using Falx to take the Acerian city of Veii. They knew where Marcus Camillus Fyrrin went, so too did his son. The Senate had enough of victories over the barbarians from the north and these small Acerian towns. Falx had been ordered to Veii.

Agitated at his thoughts he left the pens, stalking back to his tent. He would have his female once more before Quintus and Flavius came to discuss their path to Veii.

He found her refusing to eat the meat in her stew again. "Come and eat it," he growled, patting his lap. "Or I will give you something else to fill your belly."

Damn his tongue. As Thania delicately perched on his lap, all Falx could think of was seeing his threat through. Her sweet mouth ate the meat in the bowl, all while Falx stared at her and pictured her sweet lips wrapped around his cock.

He stroked her back with one hand and fed her another piece of meat with the other. The dart of her tongue against the pad of his finger made a shiver dance down his spine. His demon curled his tail around his middle, staring at the little Acera female, drooling with want, yet patient as she ate.

"They are calmer," Falx murmured. "The demons in us. To have a female, to fuck her and feed her. They enjoy it."

Thania had stopped eating. Her grey eyes were wide as she stared up at him. "Your... your demons? You speak as though you... as if..." hesitating, her eyes dropped away.

"Finish your thought, Flammatia," Falx demanded.

"You speak as though you aren't the demon," she muttered quietly, her eyes still on her lap.

Falx stiffened a little, then forced himself to relax. It wasn't a secret that their demons and their skins weren't the same spirit, but questions of that ilk began to stray into the hidden parts of Tasuri. The other things about them that were not for just anyone's ears. Secrets of the relationship between skin and demon, the delicate balance that had to be struck or risk the Change.

"We are not," he settled for saying.

"Oh," Thania nodded.

They were silent for a time, then Falx found himself muttering, "do you know how to use your mouth on a male, sweetheart?" to Thania's startled, blushing embarrassment.

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