Seeds of the Gods - 15 - Feeding Insects

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395 B.C.E. - Villa of the Headsman, The City of Veii, Early Summer, Month of Junius

In Her Memory

Thania awoke to a blinding light. Groaning, she buried her face in the soft blankets and thick pillows, grasping her head between her hands to dull the pain. A small noise caused Thania to open her eyes slowly. Yanna bobbed a quick bow, apologizing softly for disturbing her. She was in the Warlord's bed. More and more frequently in the past month, he had neglected to send her back to her room until she was always in his suite, even when he was not. In a way, Thania felt she was back in his tent, albeit a far larger and more luxurious one.

Taking the drink the girl offered her, Thania sat up carefully. There was no sign of the Warlord or Marcus. At her questioning look, the girl bobbed again. "The Warlord went to Rune for a time, lady. He has instructed me to make sure you are resting every day while he is gone."

Stunned, Thania's hands shook on the cup. The Warlord had left her here? Alone? Bile churned in her stomach. Did he finally take that blond Tasuri woman as his bride? Was this her punishment for taunting the Warlord with her supposed 'duties?' Was he finished with Thania, ready to cast her aside, or worse, sell her?


Struck dumb by the gods' interjection, it took a moment before Thania could summon the words to ask, "I..." Thania took another sip to clear her throat before trying again, "I see."

Dawn quickly gave way to a burning fireball in the sky. The weather was turning, and Thania felt she could smell the heat and the decaying flesh of the Warlord's victims. The pyre of dead bodies had burned for a week, but every so often, the sickly-sweet scent of burning flesh would fill the air, and Thania would spot black smoke in the air from the gardens.

Desperate for relief from the sticky heat that had suddenly hit Veii last week, Thania spoke. "Perhaps we can see if the pool in the garden can be filled, Yanna. Would you like that?"

Yanna smiled wanely. Her unborn child weighed heavily on her. Thania noticed that her feet had begun to swell, and the girl was pale from the lack of sun.

A familiar Tasuri belator waited for them outside of the Warlord's suite. He introduced himself as Simon, but before Thania could return his greeting, the newly appointed general of the Warlord's army found them. "Female," the dark man strode around the corner, his hard eyes scanning the corridor, then Simon, before finding Thania again. "You are to stay in the Warlord's private quarters with your slave."

Thania was startled at the idea that she could have her own slave but pushed through the feeling, still feeling the heavy desire to bathe. "We wished to see if the pool could be filled," Thania said delicately. "The one in the closest garden, General."

The general stepped toward Thania, his gaze intense as he murmured, "I have duties I must attend. I'll be gone at least three days, little one. You must stay inside the rooms. Perhaps we can swim later." He moved close enough to brush her hair from her forehead. His fingertips were rough against her skin, sending a small shiver down her spine. "Falx and his father have gone to Rune. He didn't want to leave you," he murmured. "It is not safe, Thania."

Thania felt queasy at the implications. The Warlord's sudden departure and his father did not bode well for her. The General was correct; this wasn't safe at all. The walls of the villa seemed to close in on her. How could she ever escape this place? How would she get out of the city?

"Alright," she belatedly agreed with the general. "We'll stay inside the suite."

"Good female," the General praised her. "I will see you in three days' time." He strode away without another word, leaving Thania to deal with the uneasy, off-kilter feeling in her stomach.

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