Seeds of the Gods - 14 - Infestation

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395 B.C.E. - Villa of the Headsman, The City of Veii, Late Spring, Month of Maius

In His Memory

"The Senate will divide the city's wealth, Cassius. If they choose to grant the city to your family, then so be it. For now, however, I will divide it as I see fit."

Cassius was purple now. Idly, Falx wondered if he would be lucky enough to have the man drop of apoplexy. He had been stuck in this villa with this disgusting leech for eight days, eight long, arduous days. Cassius's demands bordered on the ridiculous. More wealth, more tribute, and now slaves had become an issue. The fat slob watched Thania. His piggy (as Thania called them when she thought Falx wasn't listening) eyes crawled over her form as if she were his.

It would all come to a bitter end soon. Falx had been told yesterday that Cassius was actively working with members of the Senate against his father. The elder Fyrrin had already been recalled to Rune, and Falx could feel the impending disaster in the wind.

"This villa shall be mine, General, at least that," Cassius sputtered. "You have already taken the best slaves. Not even one is left."

"You have two women, Cassius. Well-bred gentlewomen and three small children, as well. Did you not already claim those slaves for yourself?" Tems spoke in a cheerful voice that did nothing to hide his hatred for the male. The former Acerian headsman was still hanging outside, his corpse rotting away. The foul stench permeated their dining area, making mealtimes unbearable for those unused to the smell. Thania had not eaten properly in days.

Cassius quivered from rage, spittle flying, "You need me, Fyrrin! You need my support to keep your father from exile! I expect this city in exchange! You have already taken everything of value!"

Falx hid his shock with a smile. Exile? So, the man would use blackmail. However, his father's orders had been clear to Falx. Loot the city, gather the people as slaves, and provide space for the poverty-stricken Runion plebians to live. What an unmitigated disaster Veii would become with Cassius in charge of the poor. It would be kinder to the Acerian if Falx burned it to the ground.

"You may have the city, Cassius, if the Senate approves, and it's an empty, worthless shell. I will happily give it over to you. Now, if you'll excuse me, my sweet little slave awaits me." Smirking at the man, Falx left him red-faced and enraged, his quick strides easily eating up the ground.

"He bears watching," Falx muttered to Quintus grimly as the new general joined him.

"Can I cut down his fucking 'garden ornament' now?" the male replied with disgust lacing his words.

Falx huffed, impatient. He had more important things to do than worry over the obese Tasuri and his sick games. "No, don't give him an excuse to seek out another slave to vent his foul pleasures on. Keep an eye on the women and children. If the situation grows worse, then inform me."

"Yes, Warlord," Quintus nodded respectfully, then left to give his men their instructions.

Tems was silent as they walked deeper into the villa. "I wouldn't keep her here, Falx," his friend said as Thania came into view. "She's too vulnerable here." She was sitting in the garden, weaving a shirt of wool yarn taken from looted blankets. Falx presumed it was for one of the few remaining slaves, which was problematic because he had sent all his new slaves to Rune.

"Flammatia," Falx rumbled. Her hands paused at her weaving, but she didn't raise her head to give him her beautiful eyes. "I have told you, you cannot provide for the other slaves. They don't belong to me, love."

She shrugged one shoulder, a careless movement that made her oversized dress slip free from one shoulder. Kneeling in front of her, Falx moved the cloth back to cover her, his thumb brushing her pretty, bare skin. It was warmer, but the air still held a chill. 

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