Seeds of the Gods - 13 - Companion Planting

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395 B.C.E. - Villa of the Headsman, The City of Veii, Early Spring, Month of Maius

In Her Memory

"I have to speak with my father," the Warlord murmured against Thania's cheek as he slowly withdrew from her body. Wetness ran down her thighs as he sat back, his hooded gaze perusing her naked, spent body leisurely. Casually, he reached down between her spread thighs and ran a finger through his seed before thrusting it into her body with a satisfied hum. "He's insisting I take at least two more slaves while we're in Veii," the Warlord mused quietly.

Thania's body jerked under him. Her mind seemed to run off in too many directions all at once. The Warlord said 'more slaves,' but she interpreted his words as 'more bedslaves.' It was an important distinction, the sort of slave Thania was versus a bodyslave like Marcus, because the Warlord hadn't laid with another woman in months and months since taking her for the first time. She hadn't even really thought about other women warming his bed.

Once, she would have been relieved to be replaced... but... maybe not, Thania thought. If she were replaced, would he allow more men to have her? Would she become one of those dead-eyed Acerian whores from the warmarch? Would he simply kill her and be done?

Would another bedslave be an ally or an enemy? Her thoughts went to the fat pig's slaves. Cassius's Acerian slaves didn't seem to like her. It was envy. Thania knew that much. Jealousy over the preferential treatment the Warlord and Marcus showed her. That would most likely end swiftly if another woman entered his bed.

"Why?" she croaked softly.

"Hatchlings," he responded quietly, stroking her body before resting a large, warm hand on her belly.

Thania shuddered, and his eyes narrowed on her instantly. "I grew up," she offered, licking her lips as her mouth went dry under that harsh blue stare, "with stories of Tasuri who ate the Acerian mothers of their children. Like the prey spiders."

To her surprise, a small smile crossed his face. "Two things, love," he murmured, ignoring her jolt of surprise at the endearment. "First, it's the females who eat the males after mating. Second, why do all your childhood stories involve Tasuri eating Acerian flesh?"

"You're a very hungry people," she blurted out.

When he was done roaring with laughter as she blushed furiously, he bent and kissed her. His eyes grew darker, the very inner circle of his iris a burning red. "I have never fathered a hatchling. Others have tried scattering their seed far and wide, but it has always failed to produce more hatchlings, save for the emperor."

Fools, the gods hissed.

He stroked her belly again before heaving a long-suffering sigh and rising from the bed. Thania began to struggle from the thick layers of blankets and furs. She wasn't used to sleeping in such luxury. With a dark chuckle, the Warlord reached over and easily plucked her free from the bedding. "Go to your rooms, Flammatia. Eat and rest."

A sense of uneasiness spread over Thania again. What would she do if he brought other women to his bed? Her mind drifted to the General, his dark gaze always finding her. Maybe she could seduce him into taking her? Thania shuddered again. She didn't want to become a woman forced to play bed games for a place in the world.

"Go rest," a pat on her bottom accompanied the Warlord's command. With a soft sigh, Thania hurried from the room, eager to leave now that her thoughts were dominated by the realization that she was already playing bed games.

The room given to her was in the back of the house, and the warlord had his own quarters in another hallway. It had been strange at first until she realized that she wasn't alone or ungaurded. Nor was the Warlord sleeping in his fancy, large bed alone. If Thania wasn't with him, then she could be sure he wasn't in his rooms at all—for now.

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