Chapter Ten

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The dark elves on their reindeer fly through the air and scan the surroundings for signs of Santa. Its dark but their eyes adjust as they go. Then, one of them spots something.

"Over there!"

They follow his hand and look down between a clump of trees to see something shining out from between them.

"Follow me, eyes on the lookout", Red says and they begin their descent.

Hooves crunch into the soft snow and heavy boots follow just after as they crouch to the floor and listen out.

"There may be threats out here, stay prepared".

They all nod and walk silently through the trees in different directions, scanning the ground and surroundings.

Nothing looks out of the ordinary until one of them whistles and they head in that direction.

They come across huge broken branches hanging off trees and follow the line of destruction.

"Theres pieces", they point out.

Small bits of the sleigh scatter the floor and Red bends down to inspect them.

"Broken", he announces.

"But where's the rest of it?"

He turns to look at the drag marks in the snow. They're disappearing but they could follow them if they hurry. He simply points to them and they get back on the reindeer to follow the way santas sleigh went.


"That's not what I'm saying!" Fitz shouts at Simmons.

"Then what are you saying? That santas sleigh has its own magnetic pole?"

"No of course not! Don't make me sound stupid. I'm saying the magnetic forces around the sleigh rotate around the poles like all magnets but that may also be how it knows to get home!"

"But how would that even work".

"I don't know! It's Santa Claus! Its magic!" He exclaims with his arms raised into the air.

"Okay, that's enough", Coulson's says as he emerges from his office. "How are Alex and Skye doing?"

"They're doing okay, sir", she answers. "Just about staying on time".

"Good, now how is our patient doing?"

"Oh, he's-"

"Waking up", Ward interrupts.

Simmons pushes past him and runs into the Medbay to see the old man moving slightly.

"Nick? Nick, can you hear me?"

His head lolled to the side before his eyes opened and he looked around blearily.

"Excuse me father", Fitz said as he leant over Coulson's shoulder.

Everyone gave him a funny look before looking back to see him open his eyes further and look at them all.

"What's going on?" He gruffed out.

"Umm, Nick, do you remember what happened earlier?"

He thought for a moment, eyeing each of them.

"I-I fell. And then... and then..."

"And then we brought you here", she prompted.

"Yes. Yes. And then Alex... he was meant to deliver the presents".

Alex Hua and the Agents of shield Christmas storyWhere stories live. Discover now