Chapter Eleven

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"So what puts someone on the naughty list?" Fitz asks Santa as Ward glares at them from the other side of the room.

"Well, that would be someone who has done something bad or doesn't look out for their friends".

Fitz eyes Ward and looks around wearily.

"What bad thing have you done?"

"Well I'm going to give you a wedgie", he teased and stepped forward.

"Jemma!" Fitz shrieked as he ran out, leaving Ward chuckling.

Through all the noise, none of them could hear the cargo doors being pried open just enough to let small figures climb in.

"Open your mouth for me", Simmons asked and looked in santas throat. "You're making a good recovery Nick. Just rest now I think".

"When is the last time you heard from the sleigh?" He asked worriedly.

"Around half an hour ago, but that's normal with the range . They'll be back in contact soon".

A loud clatter made her jump back and turn towards the door.

"Uh, Fitz!" She shouted. "Be more careful".


May stood in the hallway and felt a cold breeze on her ankles. It wasn't strange at first, but she had never felt that before on the bus.

Going over to the nearest tablet, she presses some buttons to see the cargo door is still shut. But she doesn't know what else would be making the breeze.

She slinks down the hallway, glancing from side to side. But she doesn't see the dark shadows moving above her.


The clattering in the hall sounds again and Simmons drops her clipboard on the bed.

"Fitz! Stop making so much noise!"

At that, Fitz walks in with headphones in and looks at them both confused.

Ward senses something is wrong and pushes him into the room before going to the doorway. But when he peers out into the hall, a light flashes and he drops to the floor.

"Ward!" Simmons shouts.

Santa tries to sit up to see whats going on as a figure walks into the room.

"Red!" He exclaims happily and confuses the other two.

"Don't worry, Sir. We're here to get you back home".

"No, no, no. These are my friends, theyre helping me".

"Ah", he says and looks down to an unconscious Ward. "Well, that's good then. Where's the sleigh?"

Santa looks sheepish at this and simmons still doesn't know whats going on.

"Um, well, the sleigh is with a trusted friend".

"Which friend?" Red the elf asks him with narrowed eyes.

"With my friends Alex and..."

"Skye", Simmons whispers.

"Yes! Alex and skye", he nods.

Red sighs and shakes his head.

"Sir, you are in charge here so I will not say anything. But are you sure this is a good idea".

"It's the only way to save christmas", he nods.

Alex Hua and the Agents of shield Christmas storyWhere stories live. Discover now