Chapter 3

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The darkened corridors of the manor echoed with the lingering whispers of secrets and the weight of unspoken truths. As Lyra roamed the halls, the surreal nature of her surroundings sank in deeper. It was in one such corridor that she encountered Draco Malfoy, emerging from a Death Eater meeting, his platinum blonde hair reflecting the dim light.

"Malfoy," she addressed him, a mix of skepticism and curiosity in her tone. They had been adversaries, exchanging barbs and disdain, but the current circumstances demanded a different conversation.

"Potter," he replied, his usual sneer absent. Draco's eyes held a mix of weariness and something else—perhaps regret. "What brings you to this part of the Manor?"

"I could ask you the same," Lyra retorted, crossing her arms. "Last time I checked, this isn't the ideal vacation spot for Hogwarts students. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised given your father is a death eater. 

Draco hesitated before answering, choosing his words carefully. "Look Potter, I know we've never been on the best of terms but things are not as black and white as they seem. The Dark Lord... 

he's not the monster everyone believes him to be."

Lyra raised an eyebrow, skepticism etched across her features. "Really? Because kidnapping me and forcing me into a marriage suggests otherwise."

Draco shook his head, "You don't understand. Dumbledore is not the benevolent figure he pretends to be. He's manipulative, and he has plans for you, plans that involve sacrificing you for his own gain. The Dark Lord, as twisted as it sounds, is offering you a way out."

Lyra's eyes narrowed, her skepticism intensifying. "And how is marrying him a way out? It sounds like I'm just jumping from one set of problems into another."

Draco sighed, "Think about it, Potter. You're only seventeen. Yes you recently graduated Hogwarts and yes, you are legally an adults already but Dumbledore has control over you, your education, your life. By marrying the Dark Lord, you escape Dumbledore's clutches. You'll live with your husband, who, in his own way, is helping you."

Lyra's expression remained unyielding, unconvinced. "And I'm supposed to believe that Voldemort is doing this out of the goodness of his heart? That he's actually helping me?"

Draco's eyes flickered with a hint of frustration. "No, of course not. He won't admit it outright. His methods are dark, his intentions unclear. But this marriage offers you a way to break free from Dumbledore's manipulations. Give it a chance, Potter. The dark side might not be as bad as you think."

Lyra crossed her arms, skepticism etched on her face. "And why doesn't he just say that? Why all the secrecy and manipulation?"

Draco paused, struggling to find the right words. "The dark lord has his reasons, and he won't admit to being 'nice' or 'helpful' outright. It goes against the dark persona he has cultivated. But trust me, there might be an opportunity here for something better than what Dumbledore has planned for you."

Lyra's gaze softened, torn between the conflicting perspectives. "I find it hard to believe that Voldemort has my best interests at heart. He's done terrible things, and I can't simply accept this marriage without understanding the full picture."

Draco nodded, acknowledging her concerns. "I understand your reservations. All I ask is for you to consider the possibility that the dark lord, in his own twisted way, is offering you a chance for freedom and control over your destiny. It might not be the conventional path, but sometimes, unconventional paths lead to unexpected places. After all you know what they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"I suppose you are right. You know, if you are helping me I'm going to assume that we are now friends and I insist we start over. Hello, I'm Lyra Potter, nice to meet you."

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