Chapter 5

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The following day, after a restless night's sleep, Lyra found herself at the imposing entrance of Gringotts Wizarding Bank. She felt a mix of anticipation and trepidation as she entered the grand marble halls of Gringotts.

Marvolo, ever by her side, exuded an air of regal composure as they approached the office of Griphook, the head goblin. Griphook inclined his head in acknowledgment, a spark of curiosity in his dark eyes.

"Ms Potter, Lord Slytherin, how may I assist you today?" Griphook inquired, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of banking history.

Lyra exchanged a glance with Marvolo before speaking, "We wish to access the Potter vaults and take a family inheritance."

Griphook nodded, leading them to a private chamber reserved for such matters. The room was lined with ancient tomes and scrolls, testament to the meticulous record-keeping of the goblin-run institution.

Seated at an ornate desk, Griphook opened a large ledger, his clawed fingers deftly navigating the pages. "Ms Potter, please poke your finger on this dagger and drop three drops of blood on the parchment, the results will be shown."

Lyra Pandora Potter

Daughter of Lily Potter (Deceased) and James Potter (Deceased) 

Goddaughter of Sirius Black (Deceased)

Magical Guardian: Albus Dumbledore 

Heiress to the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Potter, Black, Peverell, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff

Total of  30 seats at the Wizengamot (seats controlled by Dumbledore since 1981)


250,000 Galleons to Albus Dumbledore per year since 1981

50,000 Galleons to Molly Weasley per year since 1990

As the parchment revealed the details of Lyra's lineage and her current situation, an uneasy tension settled in the room. Marvolo's shrewd gaze lingered on the words that outlined Dumbledore's control over Lyra's affairs, the financial transactions draining the Potter vaults, and the manipulation of the Wizengamot seats.

Lyra clenched her jaw, her fingers trembling as she processed the depth of Dumbledore's influence over her life. Griphook observed the unfolding revelation with the stoic patience characteristic of goblins, ready to assist as needed.

"Unbelievable," Marvolo muttered, a low growl underlying his words. "Dumbledore has woven a web around you, Lyra, one that we will untangle together."

Lyra nodded, her determination renewed. Griphook, sensing the gravity of the situation, spoke with a measured tone, "Heiress Potter, Lord Slytherin, Gringotts is committed to safeguarding the rights of our clients. We will assist you in rectifying these manipulations and recovering what is rightfully yours."

Marvolo turned to Lyra, his eyes softening with a mixture of concern and resolve. "Let us proceed, Lyra. We'll start by reclaiming control over your inheritance and addressing these financial drains."

Taking a deep breath, Lyra extended her finger to the dagger as Griphook handed it to her. The dagger glinted under the ambient light of the chamber as she carefully pricked her finger and allowed three drops of blood to fall onto the parchment.

The magical ink shimmered, rearranging itself to reveal a new set of information:

Seat Allocation in the Wizengamot:

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