Chapter 10

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The library of Slytherin Manor, with its towering shelves of ancient tomes and the scent of aged parchment, served as a sanctuary of knowledge and solitude. Lyra Potter, seated at a mahogany table, delved into the intricacies of wizarding laws and traditions, determined to unravel the mysteries that had been obscured from her.

As the pages turned beneath her fingers, Marvolo Slytherin entered the library, his eyes scanning the rows of books until they settled on Lyra. With an air of quiet authority, he approached her table.

"Lyra," he greeted, his tone a gentle interruption.

Lyra looked up, her eyes meeting his. "Marvolo. What do you need?"

He pulled out a chair and seated himself across from her, his gaze unwavering. "If you find yourself struggling to understand the intricacies of wizarding law or traditions, feel free to ask me."

Lyra glanced up from her book, her eyes meeting his. "I appreciate the offer, Marvolo. I'm just trying to comprehend everything. Dumbledore left me in the dark about so much, made me ignorant of the very world I belong to."

Marvolo took a seat across from her, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of understanding. "Dumbledore has a way of manipulating those under his influence. Ignorance serves his purposes, but it seems you're determined to break free from that."

Lyra nodded, closing the book before her. "Exactly. I want to be informed, to understand the laws and traditions that govern the wizarding world. Knowledge is power, and I refuse to be kept in the dark any longer."

Marvolo, drawing from his extensive knowledge and experience, shared insights into Dumbledore's past. "I've investigated Dumbledore's history, particularly his connection with Gellert Grindelwald. Their association had significant implications, and it shaped the course of magical history."

Lyra's curiosity piqued. "What have you found?"

"Dumbledore's past is far from the saintly image he presents to the world. Dumbledore and Grindelwald were close friends in their youth, sharing a vision for a new wizarding order. But their paths diverged when they had a fight which ended in Dumbledore's sister, Ariana being killed but by who it is not clear although evidence points that it was Dumbledore who cast the fatal curse that ended her life. Dumbledore and Grindelward then went their separate ways, leading to a legendary duel in which Dumbledore emerged victorious, imprisoning Grindelwald in Nurmengard." Marvolo revealed.

Lyra processed the information, her mind racing with implications. "So, Dumbledore had ambitions for a new order as well. I never knew about this."

Marvolo nodded. "He keeps many secrets, and I suspect there's much more to his past that he's concealed. Understanding his motives and alliances will be crucial in unraveling his influence over the wizarding world."

Lyra sighed, frustration evident on her features. "It's disheartening to realize how much I've been kept in the dark. I have a friend, Luna Lovegood. Her father, Xenophilius, owns the Quibbler. She might be able to help us expose Dumbledore's secrets."

Marvolo's eyes glinted with approval. "A wise choice. The Quibbler has a reputation for publishing unconventional but often accurate stories. If they can shed light on Dumbledore's deeds, it will be a significant blow to his influence."

Lyra nodded, a determined spark in her eyes. "We need a plan. Something that will expose Dumbledore's manipulations and diminish his control over the wizarding world."

Marvolo leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table. "We should use the truth as our weapon. Expose his misdeeds, reveal the lies he has woven around himself. The more people know, the weaker his influence becomes."

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