Chapter 9

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The soft morning sun cast a warm glow over the garden room at Slytherin Manor, turning it into a haven of tranquility. Marvolo Slytherin descended the grand staircase, his steps echoing through the vast corridors. He approached the entrance to the garden room with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, uncertain of what he might find.

As he pushed open the door, his eyes were met with a scene that caught him off guard—Lyra Potter, seated at the table, engrossed in her breakfast. The cozy ambiance of the room, filled with the fragrance of freshly bloomed flowers, seemed to cradle her in a haven of serenity.

Marvolo couldn't help but feel a swell of happiness inwardly. The realization that she had chosen to join him for breakfast, despite their recent clash, lifted a weight off his shoulders.

Lyra looked up, her gaze meeting his. There was a moment of hesitation, an unspoken acknowledgment of the uncharted territory they now traversed.

"Good morning," Marvolo greeted, his voice carrying a touch of warmth. "I thought you might still be taking your meals in your room."

Lyra looked up from her plate, a fork poised midair. "I fancied a change in scenery," she replied, a faint smile playing on her lips. "If it bothers you, I can move."

Marvolo shook his head, taking a seat across from her. "No, not at all. I'm glad you're here." He paused for a moment, then added, "How are you feeling?"

Lyra sighed, her shoulders slumping as if carrying the weight of the world. "I... I've been better."

The air thickened with the unspoken tension of their recent clash. Marvolo, deciding to address the proverbial elephant in the room, ventured into an apology. "Lyra, I wanted to say I'm sorry for losing my temper the other day. It was unwarranted, and I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me."

Lyra raised her eyes, meeting his gaze. For a moment, her expression held a mix of surprise and contemplation, as if she hadn't expected the apology. Then, before she could respond, a wave of emotion crashed over her, and she burst into tears.

Marvolo, taken aback, instinctively moved closer, offering a comforting presence. "Lyra, what's wrong?"

Between sobs, she managed to speak, "I'm sorry for causing such a fuss. I just... I've been feeling so overwhelmed by everything. That morning, I ran into Bellatrix Lestrange and she started saying all horrid things you and the death eaters would do to me, making me extremely paranoid as it was exactly what I was afraid of. Furthermore, it's no secret she is obsessed with you and she was boasting how she couldn't wait for you to be sick of me and how you'd go running back to her. I know I sound ridiculous and there is no excuse for me to take my frustration out on you."

Marvolo's expression shifted from surprise to understanding as Lyra poured out her frustrations. He listened attentively, the weight of her words sinking in. The mention of Bellatrix Lestrange seemed to trigger a subtle change in the atmosphere, a dark undercurrent that Marvolo struggled to conceal.

"Bellatrix," he muttered under his breath, a deep scowl forming on his face. His fingers clenched into a fist, betraying a surge of anger that threatened to break free.

Lyra, still lost in her emotional turmoil, glanced up at Marvolo, her eyes seeking some form of reassurance. "I know it sounds absurd. I shouldn't let her get to me, but she said things... awful things. And it just added to everything else."

Marvolo, now acutely aware of the threat Bellatrix posed to Lyra's well-being, suppressed his fury. "Lyra, you have nothing to apologize for. Bellatrix is... a devoted follower, but I assure you, my interest in her is solely based on her loyalty to our cause. Nothing more."

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