Chapter 22

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Lucius Malfoy, his demeanor as polished as ever, entered the study where Marvolo was immersed in a pile of ancient tomes. The room was adorned with dark tapestries and dimly lit by the soft glow of magical candles.

"My lord," Lucius addressed, his voice carrying a grave undertone. "I've just received word from our sources at the Ministry. Amelia Bones and some aurors attempted to apprehend Dumbledore at Hogwarts, but he managed to escape." 

Marvolo, seated at his desk with a map spread before him, looked up. His eyes, gleaming with a calculating intensity, met Lucius's troubled gaze. "Escaped, you say?"

Lucius nodded. "Yes, it seems he was able to elude their capture. There's no telling where he might be now."

A sly smile played on Marvolo's lips. "Good. This might work to our advantage."

Lucius raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Advantage, my lord?"

Marvolo leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "Dumbledore is a slippery one, but he won't stay hidden for long. The Ministry is on his tail, and we shall be on theirs."

Lucius contemplated Marvolo's words, understanding the implication. "You want us to find Dumbledore before the Ministry does?"

Marvolo's gaze, intense and calculating, met Lucius's. "Yes. Dumbledore is the key to finding Agatha and Tedros. If we locate him, we can trace their steps. I have a feeling they'll be in close proximity. The Ministry will be too preoccupied with capturing Dumbledore to notice the true depth of the game being played."

Lucius, ever the loyal follower, nodded once more. "I'll instruct our operatives to focus on locating Dumbledore discreetly. We'll keep you informed of any developments."

As Lucius exited the study, Marvolo remained deep in thought. The revelation of Dumbledore's actions had set in motion a chain of events that would reshape the wizarding world.


In the dimly lit living room of Agatha's old house near the graveyard in Gavaldon, Dumbledore, Agatha, and Tedros gathered around a worn-out table, their faces etched with shadows of determination and secrecy. The air was thick with tension as they plotted their next move in the face of the revelations that had shaken their worlds.

Agatha, her expression resolute, spoke first. . "The revolution in the Woods Beyond caught us off guard. We can't risk being seen right now. They are fervently against us, and if they discover our whereabouts..."

Dumbledore, his gaze piercing, spoke first. "We're at a disadvantage now. The Quibbler's exposé has caused the Ministry to hunt me down, and we're all targets. We need to strike back before they close in. I have knowledge of the Manor's defenses. We'll exploit any weaknesses. Our goal is to eliminate Voldemort and Lyra before they become a greater threat. The Ministry will be too busy hunting me to notice our movements."

Agatha and Tedros exchanged a glance, both understanding the gravity of the situation. Tedros leaned forward, his eyes ablaze with determination. "We can't let fear dictate our actions. The Woods Beyond may have turned against us, but Slytherin Manor is the key. If we take out Voldemort and Lyra, we dismantle their stronghold."

Agatha nodded in agreement. "It's a risky move, but it's our best chance. We need to be strategic and strike when they least expect it."

Dumbledore, his mind already formulating a plan, continued, "The Manor is heavily protected, but I've studied its vulnerabilities. We'll use the element of surprise. Once we're in, we kill Lyra and the dark lord and then we can regroup and go after Rafal and Sophie. With them out of the picture, the wizarding world and the Woods will be ours to shape."

The trio delved into the intricate details of their plan, discussing potential challenges and contingencies. They were well aware that failure could mean not just their downfall but the obliteration of their ideals.

Unknown to them, Marvolo, aware of the imminent threat, was already setting his own countermeasures in motion. The chessboard of power and destiny was rearranging its pieces, and the next move held the promise of altering the course of wizarding history.

In the quiet stillness of the old house, a pact was made, and the trio, bound by their shared goals, prepared to step into the shadows once more, ready to face the storm that awaited them.

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