Chapter 12

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The dimly lit corridors of Slytherin Manor held a hushed silence as Lyra Potter, shaken from a nightmare, navigated her way through the sprawling mansion. The echoes of her footsteps reverberated against the cold stone walls as she moved with a sense of purpose, her mind still lingering in the shadows of her dreams.

The dream was a haunting echo of the past, a spectral reminder of Rafal's vengeful intent. She could feel the weight of his anger, his desire for retribution, as if the tendrils of the nightmare were still wrapped around her subconscious. It had become a nightly occurrence—a relentless replay of the events that had led to Rafal's demise and the darkness that had touched her soul.

Unable to shake off the lingering unease, Lyra found herself drawn to the solitude of the kitchen. A glass of water, a simple act, was a feeble attempt to anchor herself in the waking world. The manor, cloaked in shadows, seemed to breathe with an ancient energy, and the air held a stillness that mirrored the hour—the time when the veil between dreams and reality was at its thinnest.

As she approached the kitchen, her path led her past Marvolo Slytherin's study. The soft glow emanating from beneath the door hinted at the room's occupation. A sudden impulse tugged at her curiosity, leading her to push open the study door gently.

The room was a testament to Marvolo's meticulous nature, with shelves lined with ancient tomes and parchment scattered across the large mahogany desk. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows, giving the study an ethereal quality. And there, seated amidst the scholarly disarray, was Marvolo Slytherin himself.

He wore a pair of reading glasses, perched on the bridge of his nose, his eyes focused intently on the parchment before him. The lines of concentration etched on his face, the play of candlelight against the contours of his features—it was a tableau that Lyra couldn't help but find unexpectedly captivating.

Unbeknownst to her, Marvolo sensed her presence. Startled by the intrusion, he looked up, only to be met with Lyra's gaze. Marvolo, momentarily taken aback, quickly set aside his quill and pushed the glasses up on his nose. Concern flickered in his eyes as he studied her disheveled appearance.

"Lyra," he uttered, his voice a low timbre that seemed to echo in the quiet study. "Is everything alright?"

She hesitated for a moment before offering a faint smile. "Just a bad dream. I couldn't sleep."

Her gaze shifted to the parchment on his desk, the unspoken question hanging in the air. "Working late?"

Marvolo sighed, removing his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose. "There's much to plan, and time is not on our side."

Lyra took a step closer, the instinct to comfort driving her actions. "You shouldn't overwork yourself, especially not at this hour. It's not healthy."

He regarded her with a mixture of surprise and something she couldn't quite place. A fleeting vulnerability passed through his eyes before he masked it with a composed exterior. Lyra couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy—a shared understanding of the weight they both carried.

Without further words, she turned towards the small table in the corner of the study, pouring a glass of water from the crystal decanter. The cool liquid cascaded into the glass, a soothing sound that filled the room.

Marvolo watched her with a quiet intensity, the candlelight casting a warm glow on her features. As she approached him, offering the glass, their eyes locked in a shared moment of unspoken connection.

Marvolo, taken aback by the unexpected gesture, accepted the glass with a nod of gratitude. The simple act of someone caring for him, offering comfort in a quiet moment, stirred emotions he had long suppressed.

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