Chapter 19

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The next morning, the atmosphere in the manor was thick with unspoken tension as Marvolo sat at the breakfast table. He glanced up when Lyra entered the room, her presence casting a shadow over the otherwise serene morning. There was a palpable awkwardness between them, the weight of the previous night's revelations lingering in the air.

Lyra, hesitating for a moment, approached the table and took a seat. The clinking of cutlery against porcelain seemed amplified in the uneasy silence. Marvolo, attempting to break through the barrier, looked at Lyra with a mix of concern and a desire to understand.

"How did you get those scars, Lyra?" Marvolo asked, his tone gentle yet inquisitive.

Lyra sighed, her gaze momentarily distant. "It's complicated. Maybe you should look into my mind; words won't do it justice."

Marvolo nodded, acknowledging the complexity of her experiences. With a subtle wave of his wand, he delved into Lyra's memories, seeking the answers locked within her mind.

In the memory, the world shifted to a meadow bathed in the ethereal light of the Blue Forest, near the School for Good and Evil. Lyra, back in the form of her previous body, looking like Sophie, stood at the edge of the clearing, her eyes scanning the surroundings. As the familiar faces of Agatha and Tedros appeared, a fleeting moment of joy crossing Lyra's features.

The three ventured to Camelot, where Tedros and Agatha now ruled as king and queen. However, as Lyra spent more time with them, she noticed the subtle changes in her old friends. They had become fixated on the idea that they were inherently good, viewing those who disagreed as irredeemably evil.

Lyra recounted to Marvolo how Agatha, in a moment of misplaced trust, revealed their alliance with Dumbledore. "They believe you're still alive, Rafal," Lyra explained, her tone betraying a mix of frustration and disbelief. "They're working with Dumbledore to bring you down in exchange for them helping him bring down Voldemort, but they don't know we're reincarnated."

Marvolo, watching the events unfold in Lyra's memory, couldn't contain the surge of anger that welled up within him. As the memory continued, tensions escalated in the Camelot castle. Lyra attempted to reason with Agatha, pleading for understanding and urging her to reconsider her alliance with Dumbledore. However, the discussion devolved into a heated argument.

"Rafal destroyed everything! We're doing good by stopping him!" Agatha exclaimed, her eyes ablaze with a fervent belief in her cause.

Lyra tried to reason with her friends, her voice laced with desperation. "Dumbledore is not who you think he is. You're being used!"

In the memory, Tedros' voice dripped with disdain, "You always took Rafal's side, Sophie. You're just as evil as he is."

The confrontation escalated into a physical altercation, with Tedros and Agatha attacking Lyra. She fought back valiantly, but the scars she bore told a tale of the price she paid for her.

Marvolo, overwhelmed by the intensity of Lyra's emotions, pulled out of her memories, his own rage bubbling to the surface. Uncontrolled magic crackled in the air around him as he struggled to contain his anger.

"Those stupid do-gooders can never leave us in peace," Marvolo muttered, his eyes blazing with fury. "Lyra, how do you feel? Are you alright?"

Lyra, now back in the present, met Marvolo's gaze with a mixture of weariness and defiance. "I've faced worse, Marvolo. I'll survive. But Agatha and Tedros have aligned themselves with Dumbledore. They don't know I'm the girl-who-lived because in the Woods, I got transformed to look like my old self but once they find out that we were reincarnated and who we now are, they will inevitably come for our heads."

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