Chapter 29

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Lyra stood in the grand foyer of Potter Manor, her heart swelling with happiness as she took in the surroundings, glad to be back in her true home, one built by her ancestors with the Potter magic swirling around, welcominh her back. 

The warmth of the house elves' welcome enveloped her, easing the apprehension that had accompanied her decision to move. The head elf, a dignified creature with kind eyes and a small hat perched atop her head, approached her with a bow.

"Welcome to Potter Manor, Lady Lyra!" the head elf said, a genuine smile gracing her wrinkled face. "We house elves is always waiting for you to return. Potter manor is delighted to have the rightful owner back, we is honoured to serve you." 

Lyra returned the smile, feeling a sense of belonging wash over her. "Thank you. It is wonderful to finally be home."

Just then, a familiar voice piped up from the side, "Dobby is also here to help, Mistress Lyra!"

Lyra turned to see Dobby, the eager and devoted house elf, standing nearby with a gleaming smile on his face. His mismatched eyes sparkled with genuine joy at the sight of her.

"Dobby!" Lyra exclaimed, a grin forming on her face. "I didn't know you'd be here."

The enthusiastic house elf bowed low, his tea-towel ears flapping. "Dobby heard that Mistress Lyra was moving to Potter Manor, so Dobby wanted to be here to help! Dobby is a free elf now but Dobby want to serve the great Miss Lyra Potter!"

Lyra chuckled, touched by Dobby's loyalty. "You're always welcome here, Dobby. I'm glad to have you as part of the household. I promise you'll be paid however much you want. Tell me if you need anything be it days off, galleons or perhaps even socks and other clothes."

Dobby beamed, "Dobby is happy to serve Mistress Lyra! Dobby only wants to be free and help Miss Lyra. Anything you need, Dobby is here!"

As the day unfolded, Lyra settled into her new home, surrounded by the devoted house elves and the rich history of Potter Manor. The transition marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life—one where she could explore her identity, free from the shadows of her past. And as she wandered through the halls, flanked by loyal house elves, Lyra couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging and possibility that awaited her in the days to come.


In the days that followed, Potter Manor came alive with the bustling energy of a home once again. Lyra had settled into her new abode, exploring its grandeur and discovering the rich history that echoed through its corridors. The house elves, diligently attending to their duties, welcomed her with open arms. Dobby, in particular, stood out among them, his large ears flapping excitedly as he expressed his joy at serving the noble Potter family.

A few days later, Lyra decided to host a dinner at Potter Manor, extending invitations to some of her closest friends from the wizarding world. Remus Lupin, Tonks, Hermione, Fred, George, and Arthur Weasley arrived, bringing with them laughter and camaraderie. The grand dining hall was filled with the clinking of glasses and the joyous chatter of friends reunited.

As they indulged in a feast, sharing stories and relishing the warmth of friendship, Dobby suddenly appeared, his eyes wide with excitement. "Miss Lyra, there be a visitor at the door, and he be asking for you. It's is Lord Slytherin!"

Lyra pursed her lips, trying to hide her smile but the look on her face was a dead giveaway of her excitement. Intrigued, her friends discreetly followed her, curiosity etched on their faces.

As Lyra reached the door, her heart quickened with anticipation. "Marvolo," she exclaimed, a smile spreading across her face.

There at the door stood Marvolo,a bouquet of daisies in hand. Her favorite flowers. His eyes lit up as he saw Lyra, and a warm smile graced his lips. "I hope you're settling in well, Lyra. These are for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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