Chapter 20

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Unmasking Dumbledore: A Closer Look at the Enigmatic Wizard's Controversial Legacy

By Xenophilius Lovegood

Greetings, readers! Today, I bring you an exposé that's sure to ruffle some feathers. The man we've all revered as the pinnacle of wizardry, Albus Dumbledore, may not be the saintly figure we imagined. After receiving a discreet tip-off from an anonymous source, we embark on a journey to peel back the layers and expose the darker side of Dumbledore's intricate tapestry.

The Philosopher's Stone

Cast your minds back to the innocent days of the Lyra's Potter first year where Philosopher's Stone was kept under the door trap in the third floor corridor in Hogwarts. Dumbledore entrusted the fate of the stone to a trio of unsuspecting children. Was it a mere lapse in judgment, or did Dumbledore engineer this scenario to gauge the mettle of a young Lyra Potter? Our source suggests Dumbledore deliberately put an innocent child at risk to fulfill his own clandestine agenda.

The Chamber of Secrets: Dumbledore's Puppeteering at Play

The Chamber of Secrets debacle raised eyebrows, but what if Dumbledore was pulling the strings all along? Our insider reveals a complex web of manipulation, suggesting that Dumbledore orchestrated events to ensure Harry Potter took center stage once more. Furthermore, it has been confirmemed by several studdents of the school that Dumbledore refused to inform members of the school board that several students had been petrified until a student out of fear wrote a letter to their father who was on the school board.

The Prisoner of Azkaban

Our informant hints at a sinister motive – a calculated move to allow chaos to reign without Dumbledore's interference. It has been confirmed that Sirius Black was actually innocent and the real traitor was Peter Pettigrew. When the Fidelius Charm was cast, Dumbledore was the one who cast the charm and was aware that the secret keeper was in fact not Sirius Black, but Peter Pettigrew. Did Dumbledore intentionally step back to let the cards fall where they may?

The Triwizard Tournament

The Triwizard Tournament presented a perfect opportunity for Dumbledore to advance his agenda. Our source suggests that Dumbledore, well aware of Lyra's inclusion, allowed the dangerous tournament to unfold without sufficient precautions. Why did he not pull her out of the competition since she was a minor if it was within his right as Headmaster? 

The Order of the Phoenix: Dumbledore's Influence Over the Ministry

As the Ministry faced internal strife, Dumbledore's influence reached its zenith. Our insider alleges that Dumbledore, hungry for control, subtly manipulated events leading to the formation of the Order of the Phoenix. Where was he when sudents were being tortured using a blood quill which is illegal? Why was he never present in the school despite being headmaster?

Here at the Quibbler, we will continue to investigate the truth of Dumbledore's evil doings  and promise to report everything to you dear readers!


News of the exposé, like wildfire, engulfed the wizarding world. Dumbledore, usually a pillar of calm, finds himself at the center of a brewing storm. His office, a sanctuary of wisdom and guidance, witnesses a maelstrom of emotions as the weight of the allegations settled upon him. The Order of the Phoenix, once bound by unwavering loyalty, now stood at a crossroad.

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