Chapter 43--Food Socializing

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CHAPTER 43—Food Socializing

In the kitchen filled with the mellow aroma of wheat, Xie Yu couldn't resist feeding the big cat and allowed Shen Qi to take away nearly half of the beaked bread in the name of taste testing.

The giant cat squatted in the kitchen, motionless with its eyes locked on Xie Yu's hand, and it opened its mouth quickly when food was delivered.

"Okay, Director Shen, you've eaten a lot. I have to make some for the others, and we'll eat our own later." Although Xie Yu felt that Shen Qi had eaten too much, when facing Shen Qi's Giant Cat form, he was very tactful and gentle in his speech.

The big cat shook its head, stretched out its paws to pat Xie Yu's arm, then retreated to the steps, and laid down next to the blanket Xie Yu brought.

He didn't sleep, and just looked lazily in the direction of the kitchen and meowed softly.

Since Xie Yu first saw Shen Qi's cat form, he had rarely seen Shen Qi cry out in such a way.

So when he heard it, he couldn't help but be stunned.

The voice of a Giant Cat was not as shrill as the meowing of domestic cats from Earth.

The sound he made wasn't the meows that Xie Yu was familiar with.

Only a bit of meowing sounded like it was mixed in with Shen Qi's purr, and the sound of tail swishing around was also mixed in.

He didn't know if the Giant Cat clan members usually sounded like this, or if it was just Shen Qi.

Nonetheless, when Xie Yu heard it, he felt that Shen Qi's cry was more powerful than that of a domestic cat, and it was particularly suitable for his body type.

Xie Yu took his eyes away from the big cat with difficulty and looked back at the two loaves of bread in front of him.

One of the two loaves of bread was kneaded by a machine, and the other was kneaded by his own hands.

After that, the process was the same—baking, brushing with egg wash, and removal from the mold.

Xie Yu touched the cross-section of the bread and admitted that the interstellar era's machine was better than the bread machine he was familiar with in the past.

When using bread machines from the Earth Age to knead dough, the texture inside the baked bread wasn't as uniform as when kneading dough by hand.

The dough alone wasn't as soft as when it was hand-kneaded.

But the equipment from the interstellar era was obviously more advanced.

At least from the cross-section of the bread, he could see there were relatively few holes and breaks, and the dough had reached the level of hand-made bread.

Xie Yu stuffed the bread into his mouth, slowly tasting the difference between the two.

He was used to the soft taste of handmade bread, which was fluffy and delicate.

The taste produced by the machine was slightly thicker and the bread had a dense texture.

It was difficult for Xie Yu to judge the difference between the two.

He felt that the bread made by the interstellar bread-making machine was indeed good in taste.

But he was more accustomed to doing it with his own hands and making the taste he wanted by hand.


As evening approached, Xie Yu and Shen Qi took four packed bags of toasted sandwiches and headed out to visit the other groups' accommodations.

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