Genshin Impact x Hypostasis

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I remember writing a fanfiction that did not go very far, and it was where someone died, (as always), and they reincarnated as the Pyro Hypostasis, cause why not.

Unfortunately I would have a draft right now to show you guys, but I am pretty sure I actually deleted that story.

It was so sad, cause I thought the idea would have kinda been cool.

SO when I gained interest and remembered the story I had and I looked for it, I just didn't have it, so here I am, with no story and no motivation to start a new one completely by scratch.

Just think about it guys, the hypostasis has to be overpowered, which is what the people are looking for, and they are literally next to the Kujou Encampment, if I remember correctly, so she can interact with the main characters pretty fast, and then they would be like questioning her, and then all of a sudden she turns from human form into a hypostasis and then runs away to Kokomi's island I forgot the name of it and then she gets side tracked, as all good stories do.

Then this could continue to like a 25 chapter story where she somehow meets the traveler when he goes to Kokomi to help fight against the shogun, and then she can be a part of the main plot, or this could go an entirely different direction and ship her with one of the inazuman characters.

I would recommend Raiden Shogun, favorite Inazuma character even if I have a lvl 50 Yae Miko.

Yuri for the win, you know what I mean?

fanfic ideas im too lazy to expand uponOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz