Hololive x Holmes OC

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Now that I look back on this story, I be feeling like I got too much inspiration from True Rising's Partners in Time, which in my opinion are one of the few good Hololive fanfics on this site.

I even made a profile, which probably meant I wrote this close to PKS, cause I don't like profile pages now.

Witness the cringe.

Name: Elaine Holmes


Personality: Very joking around type, but serious when she needs to be serious

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Personality: Very joking around type, but serious when she needs to be serious.

Likes: Amelia Watson, Games, Puzzles, Food, and Guns.

Dislikes: A smooth criminal (lol), people who disvalue time, toxic people.

Age: 20

Age(Mentally): Too High to count.


High Intelligence: Extremely smart, with an IQ of 230

Very good Memory: Not photographic, but is able to remember the first 70,000 digits of Pi (Bruv I'm searching this up and the world record is like 67,890 did that man spend his entire life trying to remember pi like wtf)

Inhuman Aim: She is extremely good with guns, always holding at least a pistol around. (Looks like the German Mauser Pistol)

Pocket Watch: Named Alaster (Greek for defender of Man) No consciousness, but Elaine does like talking to it out of boredom. Indestructible and inseparable from Elaine

Time Travel: Original ability the pocket watch was supposed to have.

Multiverse Traveling: Secondary ability to travel across different worlds, such as anime worlds and different timelines. (She won't be in different universes though but who knows?)

(Passive) Foresight: Using the multiple monocles surrounding her, she can see the 6 most probable paths, unless she focuses on one type of outcome.

(Passive) Time Reversal: Can reverse time on an object or entity. (Does not work on immortals)

(Passive) Immortality: Can not age. If she dies Alaster turns back time to when she wasn't injured.


Insane: Kinda senile in the head, for living so long.

Big Ego: Big Ego

Narcissistic: Likes herself too much, Amelia is an exception.

Damn I even made a prologue for this one.

Here you go.

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