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"Wake up Scarlett" I heard at my bedroom door. "I am awake!" I yelled out. "Dad said we are leaving in 30 minutes" Clayton said. "Okay!" I yelled. I got up and got ready. I put on a bright yellow dress that was flowy. I walked downstairs. "Where's dad?" I asked Clayton. "He is getting ready. I mean seriously Scarlett what is up with the bright color dresses?" He questioned. "I like them?" I told him like he was stupid. 

"Can you go back to being emo?" he asked. "Can you go back to shutting the fuck up?" I questioned. "Hey both of you enough with the constant piss fights seriously. You are both old enough to be more mature especially you Clayton" My father came down the stairs. He actually took up for me? "I read online somewhere that boys take longer to mature, and I am starting to believe it" My father mumbled as he grabbed his keys. He turned around to us "Well the pancakes are not going to walk here themselves".

Our breakfast went well. Dad explained that him and mom split. Also that Clayton needs to get a job or something. He said I did not need one because I am still in school. It actually could have been worse. 

Us girls were walking in the woods. going to the shied to build this shrine for Ali. The girls were fighting over if Alison was really gone of not. Honestly, I have no input. Everyone says she is gone but it does not feel that way. I feel like she is just on a long vacation. 

"Spencer have you gotten anymore messages?" Emily asked. "Haven't you?" Spencer shot back. There was a noise in the woods. We all looked. "What was that? Did you hear that?" Emily questioned. "Yes" I said. "Hello is anybody out there?" Hannah asked. "It's probably a rabbit" Spencer spoke. "hello?" Hannah called. "It's a rabbit Hannah! It's not going to answer you." Spencer repeated. 

It sounded louder than a rabbit it to me. "Can we just get to the shed?" Emily questioned. "Yeah lets g-" The sound came back in the middle of my sentence. "Okay that's definitely not a rabbit! Someone out there" Hannah told us. 

"Lets turn around" Emily suggested. All of our phones went off. I looked into my black purse and pulled out my phone. "Head's up BFFs. It's open season on liars and I am hunting .. A" I wanted to smash my phone. I looked in the woods. It was scary knowing that A is out here with us. 

We all agreed we will come back another day. I ended up going back home. Bad idea. I feel like every time I go home someone is fighting. "Dad he just needs a place for a few weeks!" Clayton yelled. "Clayton I already told you, Your little sister is in the house and I do not even know this guy!" My father shouted. "He's only 19 dad and his parents threw him out!" "Why did they throw him out Clayton?" "Because he dropped out of college!" It went quite. 

"Scar are you home?" My father called. "Yeah!" I said as I walked towards them. "If Clayton's friend stay's here for a few weeks till he can get on his feet will that make you uncomfortable?" My father asked me. I really do not know which friend they are talking about. "Who?" I asked. "What's his name?" "Justin". I was trying to think if I knew him. "As long as he doesn't mess with my stuff then I do not care" I answered. "Fine but 2 months top Clayton!" My father said. 

Clayton smiled. "Oh thank you dad!" He said and hugged him. "Thank you, brat!" He said and hugged me. "Piss off I can still change my mind!" I told him. "Mouth!" My father said. I threw my hand up as a sorry. 

I walked to my room. I threw on a tank top and some Pj pants. I called my mom. "Hey darling!" She sounded happy. "Hey momma" I told her. "What are you doing love bug?" "I am currently talking to you and looking at my unfinished homework. What are you doing?" "I am helping grandpa fix his tv." "Tell them I said hello" "I will do. How is everything over there?" "Fine I guess. We all went to this breakfast place this morning. Dad told Clay he needed to find a job soon or something. Then I was hanging out with the girls and when I got home Clayton and dad argued over if Clay's friend can come over but then dad asked if I was comfortable with it and I was like whatever and yeah. So now Clayton is waiting on his friend."

"Are you really comfortable with that?" " Honestly, I do not care if he does not invade my privacy and is not a total creep. I miss you" "I miss you honey. Oh! I found a house. It's a 3 bedroom 3 bath but it is about 10 minutes away from you. You can have your own room here and Clay if he want's. I do have to ask your father about letting you live with me but me and you can be back together soon lovely". My mom explained that to me and I smiled. 

"That is amazing. When are you moving in?" "I can start tomorrow but I want to deep clean it first so probably in two days" my mom is a crazy clean freak. "Okay if you need help I will help you" "Thank you baby doll. You need to do your homework so I will let you go but I love you goodnight call me after school and maybe you can help me clean or bring me some lunch" " Okay I will call. I love you mom goodnight. Bye" "Bye baby".

I hung up and looked at my homework. It's AP math. I do not understand anything. Clayton is good at math. Do I really want to ask him for help? 

After 15 minutes I got fed up so I took my homework and walked to Claytons room. He was standing in the hallway. "Hey Clay can you help me with math?" I asked. "Let me see it" He said and took it. His eyes got wide. "What the hell is this?" He asked. "AP math 4" I told him. "How the hell did you get that high up in math?" He asked. I shrugged. "I have no clue" 

"Clayton, do you have any ibuprofen my head is hurting" I heard a dude speak. Oh shit his friend is here. Explains the 2 back packs on the ground by the guest room. The dude walked out the room. He was hotter than I expected. Like way hotter. "Oh hey you must be Scarlett right?" He asked me as he walked to me and stuck his hand out. I took it. "Yeah I am and you must be Justin" "In the flesh" He said and smiled. He was even cuter when he smiled. Fuck me. 

"I do not have any ibuprofen. Scar you have any?" Clay asked. "Yeah hold on" I said and walked to my room. I grabbed 4 of them for him. "Here they are 600 milligram each so you can take two now two later or one every 4 hours or take them all" I explained. Clay hit my arm. "Scarlett!" He said. "What?" I asked. "He's a recovering addict!" He said. "Oh" I said and opened my mouth. "How was I supposed to know?" I questioned. 

"It's okay really I have been clean for 4 month's, and I already know to expect things like this but trust me Ibuprofen is nothing compared to what I used to take." Justin explained. I just smiled and nodded at him. "Did you figure it out?" I asked Clay. "No I never did this" He said. I rolled my eyes. "Do you mind if I look?" Justin asked. "Go for it" I said and crossed my arms. 

He looked at it for a few seconds. "Oh all you have to do it just divide that and put them all together and then multiply the whole thing together and then divide that by the ending number" He explained. "What?" Me and Clayton said. "Do you just want me to do it for you?" He asked. 

"If it wont be to much work" "Oh it's nothing. Do you have a pencil?" He asked. "Yeah" I said and grabbed my pencil. I watched him walk into the room and use the desk. "You did not tell me he was a math genius" I whispered to Clayton. "He's smart as fuck. He just had a ruff life" He explained. I nodded my head. 

I walked to my room and did my English homework. I loved English. It was my best subject. Along with history. 

I heard a knock on my cracked door. Probably my dad. "Come in" I said. "I finished your math homework." Justin spoke. I looked up. "Oh thank you" I said as I walked to take it. "No problem. Do you have any more math homework?" He asked me. "luckily no" I said and we both laughed. "Just so you know if you ever need any more help I am here to help you. With your homework basically with anything else I am usually" He told me. 

"Hey its not good to doubt yourself like that" I told him. He smiled and shrugged. "I am used to being doubting but thank you." "No thank you!" I told him. "Justin why are you in my daughters room?" My father came. "Dad its okay he helped me with my math homework!" I explained. "Why did Clay not help you?" "Clayton did not even know it! I am glad Justin did or I would have been in a pickle" I explained. 

"Well I guess if no funny business is going on" "ewe dad seriously?" I threw my hand on my forehead in embarrassment. "Oh Mr. Mason I promise no funny business" Justin cleared. He looked back at me. "Just do not pay this segment any mind they only teach it for a week then on to the next part." "Thank you." "Goodnight Scarlett." "Goodnight Justin" He smiled and walked out. "Goodnight Mr. Mason" "Goodnight Justin". 

My father watched him walk to the guest room. "Goodnight sweetie." My dad said. "Goodnight dad" I told him. He smiled and shut my door. My phone dinged. I was nervous to check it. 

"He's cute. Are you going to hook up with him to you slut? Kisses- A"

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