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I awoke under a tree, where birds sang and the sun shuns through the leaves. There was a small breeze, that made the tall grass and flowers sway. As my mind cleared the first thought that had come up was... how did I get here? When did I fall asleep?

The tree was a big oak. Bright dark green leaves and the bark against my back had many crevices that hurt, but I was comfortable and willing to stay in this position a little longer. What's stopping me, I don't see anything but far lands of flower fields and tall grass. Where I am is unknown but I feel at peace, like this is something I've longed for.


What did it take for me to get here, does my peace come with all the other things I've wanted in life? Love, hope, freedom, or am I alone at peace... I looked up through the leaves, wondering where the birds I could hear were, but I didn't seem to see any.

Something was pinching into me, hurting my behind, I wanted to move but I didn't, something was keeping me still, but I was willing to enjoy this peace while I still had it.

I took in a breath, the smell of the air relaxed me as if this was some pleasant dream. For once, I wasn't overthinking, my brain wasn't going crazy with multiple ideas or possibilities that could happen or things bad that could happen.

My mind was clear, I was at peace and it was because my mind finally gave me the break I so wanted. I'm only at peace because my mind is letting me, my mind is powerful, I know that much, I usually have a lot to say and can think of many things at once, but at this very moment.


Living in a place where all you do is think because of what is around you, is dreadful, I'm usually scared to be on my own, alone with my thoughts, but all I can think about is how quiet my subconscious is and how nice that breeze is flowing through my hair.

I heard movement and a small hand landed in my palm. I look down, it's a Child's hand. Small and fragile, anything could break it. It was a filthy hand clearly covered in dirt from playing in it, my hands were also filthy.

Is this what peace was? Being in your own world with the one thing I so dearly wanted. My eyes gazed down and met with ones as green as the grass, they were bright, filled with hope and innocence, eyes that had been secured from the outside world.

I was at peace because she was, all a Mother ever wanted was for her child to be happy and at peace. Some children aren't lucky to have a Mother like that, I certainly wasn't but I know this little girl is gonna have my whole heart, she already does.

She's my world.

I closed my hand over hers, and her little legs kicked with excitement. She was ready to run through the flower fields again, ready to dance with no music, ready to run like we'd just been freed.

My world changed at fifteen and then it changed again when I was twenty. As of right now, my life has changed, I now know that I am okay and at peace, as long as she is with me. On this farm, just the two of us. The fields go forever, the cattle are had to deal with and we are usually exhausted but the end of the day but...

We sleep peacefully, knowing we have just what we need. Living in a world as disastrous as this one, I'm surprised with our peace. I remember now, we came here on foot, running as far as we could.

This all felt like a fever dream.

My mind was slowly coming back, the thoughts of them taking her, the thoughts of the only thing keeping me sane going. She leaned against me and sighed.

Someone could take her from me, I wasn't going to let that happen, she meant everything to me and the only possible person who could get ahold of her was... him. He was the walking and living Devil, I had escaped to another country and lived in a closed-off area with her on our farm.

I stood with her and we ran, freedom was calling us. I finally got us away. Away from him. He was pure evil, I wasn't gonna let him do to her what he did to me, I was going to protect her with my whole being.

I want her to have the life I always wanted, I was young and still had a whole life ahead of me but she deserves all the good. We giggled, squealed, and screamed while we ran.

I've been teaching myself something to defend us if he ever does discover where we are. I'll prepare myself to defend her. We reached the lake where lily pads grew and frogs croaked, willow trees covered this area and it was so beautiful.

We walked down the trail that leads to the cottage that we call home now, she has helped me with the garden beds outside, and I plan on making this place as much as home as possible.

She lets go of my hand and chases after the chickens, laughing as she tries to catch them. She eventually gives up and I give her food to give them which she tosses into the air, the chickens scatter to get the food.

"Mummy, who is that?"

I freeze, turn pale, and every possible bad thought goes through my mind in a  split second as I turn around to see who she is referring to. I clench my chest with relief as I see it's just the wife of the man who's letting us stay in this cottage on their land.

Her boots are muddy, I mean you should see mine and Clementine's feet, maybe running barefoot through mud, dirt, and grass wasn't such a good idea. I took in a deep breath. Margot is her name and she has a basket most likely a treat for Clementine and me.

She enjoys baking and Clem loves helping her. "I made a fresh batch of loaves this morning, thought I'd come over and share." She had that usual smile on her face deep creases in her cheeks from old age, her hair was grey and her body was frail but she was surprisingly sturdy and strong.

"Oh, you are so sweet, say thank you, Mrs Jameson," I tell Clem, she giggled and threw her arms around Margot's waist. "Thank Mrs Jameson." Margot rubbed her head and I took the basket from her.

"Look at you, you look like you rolled around in the mud," Margot snickered. "She did, we both did, was about to clean ourselves up and make breakfast," I said and smelt the bread. It smells amazing.

"I'll let you two clean up while I set the table," She grinned and we walked up the steps, Clem jumping her way up to the porch. I opened the door and let everyone in first before I entered.

"How is Daryl?" I asked. "Oh he's been out in that barn since 4 this morning, I have no idea what he is up to!" She sighed. I placed the basket down for her and picked Clem up to take her to the bathroom.

I put her down and took her muddy dress off. "Mummy, I saw Mr Jameson in the flower field today," She giggled as I tried wiping off as much dirt as possible before getting her in the bath.

"Hm, how come you didn't say hi?" I asked. "He looked different his hair was black! I always thought it was grey!" She exclaimed like she was in disbelief and threw her hands in the air. "Well, it may not have been him, he does have a son you know?"

"He kinda looked like Daddy."

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