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I pushed what Clem said to the back of my mind while we ate breakfast with Mrs Jameson. There is no way... well, no possible way he could have found us, it's only been Two years. Not only that but this world can't be that small that he'd find us that quick without someone ratting us out.

Mrs Jameson had made us a small breakfast, Clem and I were all clean, in fresh clothes, can see Clem's stunning features now. I never thought I'd be able to create something so beautiful.

Only one person knows my story, and that is her, Clem, I tell her everything, and I refuse to keep secrets from her, especially important ones, the only thing I've lied about is how her Father treated me.

And how... he forced things onto me, I would have never become a Mother if he left me alone, but deep down, I'm glad he did what he did because I love Clem so much I'd never disown her because of who her Father is.

This little girl is my whole world.

I butter a slice of the bread and hand it to her. "Thank you." Her face lets me see the good side of her Father, that I didn't know existed. The way she smiles, the way she gets excited.

He was a Monster and she was the complete opposite, she was a living and breathing Angel, she made the world seem like there was hope, she made me see hope even after everything I've been through.

Her long brown hair, and bright green eyes, every time our eyes met, made me feel like things would be okay. Even though she has butter and bread crumbs all over her face and a bit of Mrs Jameson's homemade jam.

"We need to speak privately Maple, I have something important to discuss with you," Margot said. "Sweetie, why don't you go play in your room, I'll be in there in just a sec."

I wiped her face and hands clean before she got off of the table and skipped down the hall. "What is it, Mrs Jameson?" I said and began tidying up the table. "I'm gonna need you to sit for this," She says, worry fills me.

"Mrs Jameson, as of right now, is it a good idea to leave my daughter alone?" I asked.

"It's best you go grab her dear, and have her sit on the couch where we can see he-" I rushed down the hall, my heart beating rapidly and a lump getting stuck into my throat. I push her door open, she's making her toy horses gallop. "Hey Honey, why don't you go watch a movie about horses?" I asked.

"Ooo can I watch Spirit Mummy?" She asked with a smile on her face, I nodded. She beamed and stood up, holding her horses as I followed her out of the room. She pounced on the sofa and I quickly put the movie on for her.

"Now, can you do Mummy a favor?" I asked and kneeled in front of her. "Mhm." She bounced her head. "Mummy wants you to listen to the conversation with Mrs Jameson, and when Mummy says the word Horses, you are to go and find the best hiding spot you can find okay?" I whispered and she nodded.

I stood up. "Don't come out of your hiding spot until I find you." I walked over to the dining table and sat down. "What is it?" I asked. "A man came over to our farmhouse this morning, and claimed he was your brother, I was suspicious because you mentioned you only had a sister and that your little brother had died."

"I told him I didn't know of a girl named Maple, and that it had been a while since I had seen a child because folks around here are in their old days, children are all grown up into adults and have moved far from here."

"Describe the man to me, Margot," I said and kept on looking back and forth at her and Clem. "This man was tall, had hair the darkest shade of black, green eyes, he had a big build, if I were to agitate him I'm sure he would snap me into two with his bare hands, the man didn't come off as friendly, rather, an evil spirit has him possessed."

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