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He did in fact hurt me. Tortured me like never before. He took her away from me. She was kicking and screaming trying to get away from him to get to me, but it was too late and he got too far for me to get to her. He shoved her into the back of his fancy car and drove off with her.

I was left there, on my knees, in disbelief that she got taken from me after having her with me for so long. I screamed and leant forward until my elbows were deep in the mud.

I couldn't stop screaming, tears streaming down my face. My world has crumbled down, why couldn't he take me instead and torture me! No, he is torturing me, taking her from me is the worst pain I had ever felt. "Clementine." I repeated her name over and over while crying, my chest heaved, everywhere hurt.

What did I do to deserve this? Why did I deserve to have the most precious thing to me get taken away from me? My baby my little girl, I don't know what they are going to do to her.

It makes my blood boil at the thought, if he does anything he ever did to me to her, I will rip his guts out from the inside and make him eat himself until all that is left is his head. I wanna hear him in pain, I wanna see him in pain, I wanna bring the worse to him to get her back.

What are his intentions? Why is he doing this to me, why can't he give me a reason to believe I deserve this? She doesn't deserve this why can't he just leave her alone, she had done nothing to this world but make it fill with hope and dreams.

I see one of her little shoes in the mud, it dropped off and she was kicking him. I tremble as I sit up. I can't believe she is gone, I can't believe he took her, he took my baby took the one thing that kept me sane, alive, and happy.

He took her.

He took her.

He took her.

He took her.

He took her.

He took her.

I zoned on the shoe. Unable to move everything limp, as I was too numb to do anything. My body is lifted. I hear speaking, I see feet, I see movement, but everything is a blur. Voices are muffled as if I have my ears covered... my ears are covered, I have them covered.

I can't calm down, all I can do is cry and sob my lungs out. My throat stings. Everything hurts. I completely lifted from the ground and carried inside the cottage by Mr Jameson. I was gasping like I couldn't breathe, which I couldn't I couldn't breathe without her.

I get put down along the sofa, I see her horses, the movie on, she loved horses so much. I can't believe she was gone, she wasn't playing with her horses, so she must be really gone.

Someone tell me this is a joke and if it isn't put me out of my misery. I cant live in this world without her.

Two days pass.

I sit here writing in my journal that Mrs Jameson got me, I haven't felt like speaking since my daughter got taken right in front of me. Someone is dying, someone is in pain, even if you are at peace, someone else is not, I sure hope my daughter is getting treated nicely and that all my doubts aren't true, I hope maybe he took her to spoil her, not hurt her.

I look around my house, it's old and in the middle of nowhere, it doesn't feel like home, it's barely a house. Dead flowers in a vase sat on the table, but not in the centre. Those were the flowers Clementine had picked the morning she was taken.

On the crooked walls has misshaped pictures she had drawn in random spots. The windows were filthy, coated in unknown substances from the outside.

Beside one of the windows, was a fireplace, an unused fireplace, it was surrounded by old bricks and a wooden panel covered it. The house was cramped and open. You could see the kitchen from the dining room and the living room from the kitchen.

Dishes were in the sink some clean some not. I got up and walked outside, leaving my journal behind as I let my feet feel what grass is after two months of being isolated.

Outside, the grass was overgrown and birds barely chirped. A tractor sat outside the barn right on the gravel driveway. This house was built between mountains and inescapable death.

Walking on the path outside, I kick a rock only to be captivated by the badge I see from underneath. I lifted it up and flipped it over.

On it said 'Happy life' with palm trees on either side. I look around the place I once called home and realise it is summer and yet everything looks so dead. No life anywhere around.

The life I once had was gone. Where he had taken her is unknown, police searched everywhere, I don't wanna give up but I'm losing hope.

"You are up Maple." Mrs Jameson seemed like she had hope once she saw me, finally standing outside, instead of cuddled up in bed sobbing and eating nothing. "You look like you need something to eat, you are losing your muscle," She says and I gasp. I'm only making myself weaker being in this state.

I'll never be able to defeat him like this.

She grabs my arm and guides me back inside where she pulls a chair out for me and helps me sit, it should be the opposite, she is a frail old woman, it should be me helping her.

"I got muffins today, thought you'd like one since I got your favourite, banana. They added cream cheese icing to the top." She smiled and pulled the tray out of her bag, placing the cakes on the table. They were Clementine's favourite as well.

"I got you some milk as well, noticed the other one had gone off... I see you've been writing in your journal... is it helping you?" She asked and I slowly shook my head.

Nothing could help me until I see her again.

Searching For Clementine |18+|Where stories live. Discover now