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"Maple, you were domestically abusive and had episodes that caused you to be aggressive toward your daughter," the policewoman said. I was in disbelief. "I have never hurt her. I only did things that made her happy."

"He is just twisting everything!" I screamed. "He's trying to make my life hell for no reason, he's been torturing me for years, he's the one hurting people, not me!"

"Ma'am it's on your criminal record and your issues are in your medical records, I can bring it up if you'd like?" she asked. "You escaped your confinement and took your daughter from her bedroom, escaping to another country."

"You manipulated a poor elderly couple into thinking you were going to get hurt but in fact, it was you who was going to hurt."

"He stole her... In the middle of the night-" He had every right to take his daughter away from that hurtful place, he had full custody of her and you took her first."

"No, you don't understand, he's evil, narcissistic, I've seen him kill people-" When you have your episodes, from your condition, you refuse to take the medication prescribed to you which causes you to hallucinate."

"Why are you here anyway? If you are just going to be useless to me. I wanna see my daughter, he's manipulated her as well, she needs me... Please."

"Ma'am sit back down, you need more rest, we'll get your medications," The nurse said as I got out of bed. "No, I don't need them, it's him that needs them, not me, I am sane," I said.

"Ma'am we will get you something to eat just sit back down please." I shook my head. "I don't trust any of you. You aren't listening to me," My voice croaked as I spoke.

I walked backward and bumped into a table covered with medical tools. I let my hand grab the first thing it felt as the police came near me. "Stay away from me."

She ended up coming closer so I swung my hand up right as she went to grab me and stab her in the eye. She let out a wretched sound as blood started dripping. In her eye was a scalpel.

Why was a scalpel in a normal hospital room? "Don't come near me, you people are disgusting, he's tricked you all and you are all blind."

Blinded by him like I was.

The door swung open in walked Cathán obviously 'concerned' about the ruckus going on in here. I was cornered, it only made my blood boil more. "Maybe we should have kept her restrained," The nurse said.

"Get away from her," Cathán scolded before shoving past them to get to me. Of course, I don't let him come near me easily. I grab another thing from the table but I should have known this Monster had more skills than a police officer.

My hand was barely an inch from stabbing him before he had my wrist. "She became violent sir," The officer said as the doctor tended to her.

"Of course she did, you all were ganging up on her." He had an irritated look on his face as he disarmed me. I just stood there, I knew I couldn't fight him. I let my arms down in defeat and bowed my head as I began to weep.

I felt helpless. What was going on... I want my little girl. I felt my tears fall onto my feet. I've seen him do such terrible things in my life but why does my brain register him as a kind person?

He's evil.

I won't forget it even if my subconscious sees him as someone who actually cares for me. He was never the compassionate type the loving type.

He was always malicious, difficult, and hostile. Especially toward me. He's tricked everyone into thinking he is the good guy. He and his good stature will die once I get proof of everything.

He moves his hand to my cheek and makes me look at him. His dark luring green eyes look at me. With a look, I'd never see him give me. Destructive is an understatement if that is how you'd describe him. He was many things.

All kinds of sin.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, fixing my hair from my face, and pushing it behind my ears. "I wanna go home," I muttered, and he nodded. "We can have that arranged if you are willing to cooperate?"

"She is not going home, she deserves jail time for this," The woman with the bleeding eyes scowled. "Or even better, a psych ward for her ill-tempered ass."

Cathán glared at her before making me walk with him. I didn't know where we were and frankly, I was confused since when we exited the room we were walking upstairs. What kind of hospital is built like this? My body felt like it was stabbed when we reached the top of the staircase.

We were back where my dreams haunt me. We were at the house... Was that room always down there and I just never noticed a whole hospital room was there? "Where are we going?" I asked.


I whimpered and felt myself smack into his chest. I gripped his shirt so hard but I could also feel I had grabbed his skin. I can't deal with this. I fell, all I could see were his shoes as he stood there. I grabbed onto his pants in an attempt to help myself up but I was terrified if I looked at him again he'd be the man I knew.

My breathing was rigid as I released his pants and tried crawling instead, my legs felt too weak to stand as if they couldn't bear my weight.

I know she isn't there but why do I keep hearing her? I don't wanna hear her. They won't tell me where she is. I don't even know how long I've been in here for and no one will tell me the actual reason why she is scared of me. I need to find her and run again.

I feel his hand on me. I squirm trying to get free from him, only to realize he never grabbed me... Where is he where is the wicked man why won't he show himself? "It's gonna be okay," he trembled, kneeling in front of me. He brought me to him in some sort of hug.

I was shaking while crying. I didn't know what to do except stay where he put me. His hand ran through my hair. "Shh, Baby, everything is going to be alright."

I closed my eyes.

Searching For Clementine |18+|Where stories live. Discover now