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"Maple... Maple... Answer me, darling," Margot said repeatedly shaking me until I had awoken from my slumber to see her sigh with relief. "Where is my baby?" I felt my eyes water as I clung to her.

"We don't know, the police are doing everything they can... But if he's left the country... There is no use, we won't be able to find her."

"Don't say that! She is somewhere here, I feel her. He's just torturing me for leaving, I... I need to go back." Margot helped me sit back down.

I felt my heart racing to the point I heard it. He took my baby. My baby is gone, and I need to get her back, no one can help her like I can.

I don't know what he'd do to her.

I felt like I was going to throw up again. I don't know how many times I've thrown up since my baby girl got taken two weeks ago. I got back up.

I slowly walked, in need to reach the toilet so I didn't have a mess to clean up. I felt nauseous like I was going to faint. I took in a large gasp before running to the restroom, pushing into the door as I fell onto my knees, only just reaching the toilet.

I heaved and sobbed as I let out what felt like half my stomach. I held onto the seat, Margot's hand going to my hair to move it out of the way.

"Oh Darling, we'll get her back. She'd hate seeing you like this," She said.

"I would like it if you went and got a check-up, you seem unwell, I know it's your depression and anxiety so I'd like for you to get that checked up on."

"I want her back," I sobbed. "I know." She rubbed my back. "Come on, let's get you in the shower." She stood up and helped me as if I was the frail one. She helped me walk out and into the washroom.

She knelt. I felt terrible watching her as she ran a bath for me before gradually getting back up once she had it to the right temperature. She then goes and grabs a face washer, wetting it with the water before standing before me to help wipe my mouth.

I undid the buttons on my dress. I didn't care who saw my body at this point. I didn't care about anything but searching for Clementine.

I let the dress fall before removing my underwear. Margot gives me the clear to get into the tub.

I do, the warmness of the water made me feel calm. Too calm for my liking. I cried. My heart had never ached so much before in my life. I sunk into the water, letting it take over my skin.


"Yes, Darling?"

"Have you... Ever lost a child?" I whispered and she shook her head. "I only had one child and he wants nothing to do with me," she said.

I looked at the patterning of the tiles on the wall. "Do you see me as a daughter figure?" I asked. "I care a lot about you Maple, your parents are stupid."

"I'm glad you are talking," She finished. I closed my eyes as she helped me bathe. She started humming a similar tune I would to Clementine. The ones that always put her to sleep. I was gonna get her back whether someone died or not.

The steam from the heat fogged up the mirrors as I opened my eyes to take another look around the bathroom.

All the times I bathed Clementine, all the times she brushed her teeth, all the times she'd tell me I looked beautiful as I combed my hair. How she'd want me to do her makeup, so I'd sit her on the counter and she'd start singing songs to me.

After quite a bit. I felt clean and relaxed, thinking about the good times with Clementine usually did that... But then the thought that we can't make more would hit me and I'd enter the barrel of depression all over again.

Like right now.

Silent tears rolled down my cheeks. She was gone and there was nothing I could do about it.


I was out of the bathtub, Margot was confused as to why I walked out wet and naked without a towel or robe. I was panting.

I heard her.

I heard her.

I heard her.

I heard her.

I heard her.

I heard her.

A trail of wet footprints followed my steps as I scavenged around the house searching for her.



"Where are you?"

I was heaving walking around. Margot rushed after me to wrap a robe around me as I walked outside into the cold night. "Maple. Maple. Come back inside you'll get sick."

"I heard her," I said and shrugged her off, feeling myself starting to hyperventilate. "Maple, Darling you are hearing things, I know that is hard to hear but she isn't here," she reminded me.

"No. No. No. No. I heard her, you are lying to me, get away from me," I sneered and took the robe from her. I walked away from her wrapping the robe around my body. My feet were muddy and I was cold.

I heard her.

I did. I swear it on my life, I'm not hearing things. "Maple, I didn't hear anything, and it was quiet, I'm sure I would have heard something, please come back inside?" I shook my head. No.

"You're a liar," I said.

"Don't come near me." She looked, heartbroken. "I heard her." I felt myself breaking down into tears again. "I heard her voice say my name." I was gasping. "You need to go to the doctor," Margot said."I don't need a stupid doctor, I heard her." I was shaking, but it wasn't from the cold.


I cried out and covered my ears, falling to the ground, my knees digging into the mud. I wailed unable to stop anything from coming out. I'm not crazy. I hear her, she's calling me. She needs my help, my baby needs my help and I'm not there to help her.

I need to help her I need to be there I need her to be okay. She deserves the world. My baby deserves the life she wants. She deserves happiness.

I need her. She is my everything without her I simply can not move on with my life I'll be a corpse walking around.

She was my life, my soul, she was the only thing keeping me going. She can't be dead, she can't be hurt. Please tell me she is okay even though she is with that evil man.

I had plans in my life but everything I had planned had her in it.

Searching For Clementine |18+|Where stories live. Discover now