Chpt. 1- Prologue

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“-So now Velvet and Veneer are in jail and Branch has been doing performances with his brothers! You should come see them sometime, even if it's not your style :)”

Poppy wrote, twirling her hair as she thought of the next words to add on to her letter to the queen of rock.

“OH! I almost forgot to tell you, I met my sister, Viva! It's a long story that I'll be sure to tell you soon- but you guys should totally meet! I think you two would really like each other, especially since she already likes you! I told her lots. See you soon, Barb!
       -sincerely, Poppy, queen of Pop

She signed with a pink gel pen, licking the painted envelope before slipping the note inside and adding the pop troll seal.


“UGHH, she's always writing to me,” Barb complained, annoyed as her dad handed her a particularly bright envelope.
In reality, she was the one who was always writing to Poppy, but was too embarrassed to admit it.

“Maybe she just likes you,” Barb's dad shrugged, parking his wheelchair near the couch as he cracked open a beer.

Barb blushed slightly at this comment, feeling her heart drop a little.. Ever since Poppy had shown her that no matter how different, trolls really could get along and enjoy each other's company, Barb couldn't stop thinking about her. During the first few weeks of her little crush she had something she hadn't had in a while- hope. But as Poppy’s relationship progressed further with Branch, the feeling was soon lost. At least love was stupid anyway- and yet she still ripped open the letter from Poppy, quickly scanning over each and every word, but stopping when she read sister. Wait, Poppy has a sister? She slowed down, rereading the same sentences over and over again.

…you guys should totally meet! I think you two would really like each other, especially since she already likes you! I told her lots.

Then she noticed one more thing in the envelope, a Polaroid picture of Poppy standing next to a similar looking troll- only a bit older and taller with a wild mane of blonde hair- cute.

At first, Barb didn't think much of it, but as her mind slowly wandered away from Poppy as the days passed, she found herself starting to think about Viva a lot more. She had to meet her, sooner or later, thus leading to her next letter to Poppy. And her next. And her next…

The two of them sent many more letters than usual to each other over the past few weeks, exceedingly overworking Barb's poor pet, Debbie, who delivered and sent out the mail.

In their more recent messages, they had finally discussed meeting up again, since they had only seen each other a few times since Barb tried to “unite” the trolls with Rock, which was something she was still guilty about. It was still hard to talk about, not just for Barb but any other troll as well.
Poppy had also suggested inviting Viva, which Barb agreed to, especially since she was still very curious about her, and what Poppy had added to her knowledge about her wasn't enough.

Sorry for the short chapter, although I doubt anyone will be reading this! Expect more soon. (?)

New Beginnings [Vivarb, Broppy!!!]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz