Chap. 9- Braiding

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Suddenly, Viva's hug time watch chimed, breaking the peaceful silence that enveloped the room. (Which was strange, because Viva had guessed that silence was unobtainable here, living in a rock troll populated volcano)
Barb stirred, her eyes barely opening.

“How long have you been staring at me for,?” she mumbled, turning from her back to her side to get a better view at Viva, who was now flustered.

“Uhm, j-just a minute..?” Viva replied, unsure with her answer, making sure to avert her gaze for good this time- there were plenty of other things to look at, just none as pretty as Barb.

Barb smirked, sensing her lie but ultimately deciding to shrug it off. Viva probably just spaced out or something…
“Have you written your little love letter to Clay yet?” She asked, cringing a little.

Viva’s brow furrowed, which was the opposite of how she should react to the thought of her boyfriend. “No.. I should probably do it soon,”
She was a bit worried about how things were going back at her home, after all, her “small” break just kept on getting longer.
Although, she wasn't complaining. This was the most fun she’d had in a while without Clay making it boring or giving her yet another thing to stress about. There was always something.
Viva sat up, Barb following, only being extremely dramatic about it as she groaned.
“Do you have any paper?”

Five minutes passed, Viva crafting a quick but elaborate letter to send out so the Putt Putt trolls would know that she was okay and would be back soon. As much as she wanted to stay, she had a community to take care of, like Barb.
Barb didn't have much scrapbooking supplies- scissors, a pink notebook that read ‘From Popsicle!’, and a few shades of dark glitter, luckily Viva always carried extra supplies, but she still found Barb's things useful. It was cute that she was building her own collection. Cute in the friend way of course.

…Reassurance was key. When did her feelings start getting so strong? That was an easy question. Seeing Barb's soft side after her nightmare really did change Viva's views. She hadn't really thought about Barb's layers before that, or the things she did and why. She was just Poppy's friend. That was surprisingly caring and funny and-

“..Okay, done!” She handed the paper over to Barb, who was now smiling.

Scrapbooking and making complicated letters for no reason was lame. Well, Viva was now Barb's one and only exception.
“DEBBIE!” She called out, spinning around to the door.
Viva had never seen Debbie, but she could only assume that the weird pom-pom bat thing that had just flown through the door was her.

“Hi babyyy!" Barb baby-talked as she cuddled Debbie up to her chest, clearing her throat immediately after remembering that she wasn't the only one in the room. “mail this.” she demanded with a now heavy, uninterested tone, making Viva grin to herself- what was this feeling? Troll, she knew it too well. At least she'll be gone soon, the sooner she leaves the easier it would be to forget about this whole thing.

Barb flicked her hand lightly, waving at Debbie to go on. Debbie took the hint and was out the door as fast as she had flown in. Viva wondered if the letter would arrive before or after she did.

“Anyway,” Barb began, sitting back down on her clearly unmade bed. “What should we do before you have to leave?”

“I coulddd,” Viva stretched out her sentence. “Braid your hair!!!” She suggested, watching as Barb's eyes widened at the thought. Viva was ready to tackle her if needed.
It was needed.

“Nuh uh, no way- VIVA”

She was already on top of Barb, messing with her hair. “I told you that I wasn't going to let you get out of it!" She squealed.

Barb now sat there in front of Viva, completely flushed as she played with the covers.
She was so gentle with her, taking every strand of hair into consideration as she worked quickly, wrapping and looping- whatever a troll did to braid hair. Barb had no clue how. All she knew was that this was giving her the urge to pepper small kisses all over Vivas face. A few days was all she needed to fall. One troll that would pay attention to her, and she was already on her knees.

“So, do you like it?” Viva asked, clearly proud of her work.

Barb looked over to the mirror. “Sick.”
Stupid was a more accurate word, but sick worked just as well.

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