Chap. 3- Tour

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“And this is the stage where we perform!” Poppy said, skipping along the worn stone path. Barb tuned her guitar as she followed Viva, who was trailing behind Poppy. It was weird how no one seemed to bat an eye at her even though only a few months ago she had tried to ruin their lives with the sick idea of uniting everyone. At the time she couldn't even possibly imagine being in the wrong, all she wanted was for everyone to be together, under one type of music since having more didn't seem to “work out” in her eyes.
‘How could multiple trolls of different music types even come to like each other at all?’
And here she was, actually enjoying herself, though she would never admit such a thing.

For the first hour or so during the tour Barb was quiet, only chiming in when she felt was needed. After all, she didn't want to embarrass herself and risk breaking her ego, although she secretly knew that neither Poppy or Viva would probably mind.

“What's Volcano Rock City like, Barb?” Viva asked, relieving her from her thoughts.

“Well I mean, we party like a lot and it gets a little hot over there, but it's pretty cool! Everyone's chill or whatever, you should come over sometime! Poppy’s only been a few times since..” Barb hesitated.
“Well, since the whole rock unity thing,”

“That sounds fun, you should show me around there soon!” Viva recommended happily, slowing down a bit so she could walk closer to Barb.
For some reason, she saw herself as desperate to hang around Barb, she seemed so cool.. how could she have been so stupid, missing out on so many things? She had trapped herself and others in almost a cage, her and everyone else so worried about the outside world that they wasted their time away making sweaters and sounding off alarm drills for things that were never going to hurt them, or at least didn't plan on it for a while.
She still often felt afraid and that was no doubt, but the need to see the world and explore was starting to overpower her worries for everything else.

“That would be fun,” Barb agreed, feeling her face grow slightly warm. How easily did she fold?
Poppy secretly smiled ahead, glad that Barb and Viva were getting along well. Although, she was a bit confused on how Barb was acting. She seemed so calm and quiet, unlike her normal ‘loud’ personality, never afraid to show someone wrong or speak up about her own thoughts.

“It's getting pretty late, why don't we finish the tour and hang out some more tomorrow? I have a spare pod you both could share for the night so you don't have to leave and then come back.” Poppy suggested, starting to lead the group back already.

“That's good with me,” Viva responded, Barb nodding as well as she tucked her guitar away in the case strapped around her shoulder.


“This is it!” Poppy said as she opened up the door of the pod. There were two beds, each on opposite sides of the room and a single blue dresser that had already been cluttered with random items. Wallpaper lined only the backside of the area, the other walls were colored with bright pink paint.

“I think this is just your style, right Barb?” Viva joked, nudging Barb a bit.

“Yeah, you wish,” Barb laughed, blowing her tongue out at Viva as the two of them set a few things down just for the night. “Thanks Popcorn,” Barb said, flopping down onto one of the beds.

“Of course!! I'll see you guys soon, night Viv, night Barb!” Poppy replied as she shut the door to their new pod.


“Hey Poppy, finished with the tour?” Branch asked as he walked over to Poppy, planting a kiss on her cheek before bringing her in for a hug just as both of their bracelets chimed, right in time.

“Almost! I think they're both getting along nicely, but Barb doesn't seem like herself, I hope she's okay,” Poppy explained, hugging Branch back equally as tight.

I'll try to get a new chapter out tomorrow, but I'm going on a little road trip thing so I'm not sure.if I'll have time, sorry! Thank you for the stars <3

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