Chap. 8- Thoughts

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Barb and Viva stood, side by side as they watched clouds pass by below them.
When Barb was still obsessed with dictating the whole world to mold it to her liking, being so high up would have given her a feeling of power. Reminding her that she was on top, she was above everything; rules, laws, trolls… in charge. Now she just felt uneasy. She could tell that Viva was looking to feel the same way by the way she tampered with her tail. Awkwardness clung to the air for no apparent reason.

Barb looked away from the edge and back to Viva. “By the way, if you want I can get Debbie to send a letter out to Clay,” she prompted. “Just so he knows where you are or whatever and that you'll be a bit late.”

“Really? Thank you.. being away for this long just makes me worry, you know.”

Barb wasn't very good at reassurance. “It'll probably be alright, Clay's got it,” She mentioned, poking at Viva's side. That sounds right.

She smiled. Barb's heart melted.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

The rock kingdom was finally starting to peak over the outstretched horizon. Smoke filled the air as they landed, overwhelming most senses. Barb presumed that Viva was definitely not going to get used to the airas she heard her cough. That and the heat, even though both were comforting to Barb.

“After you, my esteemed Pop guest,” Barb offered, taking Viva's hand after the door to the airship opened, making a loud clunk due to the heavy material. It was honestly surprising that the thing even flew, it being made out of volcanic rock.

Viva giggled, returning Barb's tone. “Why thank you,”

Viva stared at Barb, who was sprawled out next to her, breathing softly. Viva assumed that she needed the rest, especially after the night before, with her nightmare and all, which she was still curious about. Would barb ever tell her what it was about?
Right after the two of them had entered Barb’s room, she immediately fell asleep even though it was only the afternoon, but now it had been a few hours and Viva was starting to get bored. She had already inspected the room- analyzing every single one of Barb's things. Her posters that covered every inch of the walls, the clutter seeping out from the closet doors, her many guitars… She wasn't really a typical queen, but that was something Viva was growing to love. Barb was so- different. That was the best word to describe it. She had her own way of doing everything, she had built her own persona from ground up (though it seemed to crack under pressure), and she was probably the coolest troll Viva had ever seen, no matter how Barb was presenting. Well, she hadn't really met many other trolls but still!

She never imagined herself wanting to be around Barb so much, it was like she could stare at her for hours. She reached for Barb's hand.
That thought was followed by another, of sweeter intent. 

‘What would it be like to kiss her..? The soft feeling of her lips pressed against mine, tension palpable, Barb's heart beating in sync with my own-’

Viva flustered at her own thinking. What was she thinking? This was wrong, she wasn't in her right mind. She loved Clay. They were a duo, they took care of the Putt Putt trolls together. They were good for eachother. Clay had been there for her, sticking through every panic attack, every mistake, every worry.
Viva looked away from Barb. Coming back with her had to have been a bad idea.
Yet, her eyes returned back to Barb, unable to look away.


New Beginnings [Vivarb, Broppy!!!]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora