Chap. 5- Dreams

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She felt a little relieved, but that same tense feeling from before that was keeping her from falling asleep had returned.


"Morning sleepy head! Or bed head. Your hair is wrecked!" Viva giggled, looking directly down at Barb from above her.

"Shit-! What?" Barb jolted up, her head knocking against Viva's as she panicked.

Viva fell over to the floor, holding her head in slight discomfort "Ow.."


"Ugh, sorry dude," Barb stumbled up, attempting to help Viva off the ground as she rubbed her own head as well, which only led to her falling right on top of Viva. For a minute she froze, her eyes fixated on Viva's as they both blushed furiously.

"Light sleeper?" Viva questioned, looking her up and down. She didn't respond. "Me too. Anyway, Poppy's waiting for us outside, come on!" she said as she casually got out from under Barb.

Barb stood up and then stood still for a moment until she rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes. It was way too early for this, rock trolls didn't get up until it was at least one pm. And they definitely didn't fall on top of each other and have a weird eye contact thing that gave them glitterflys. Oh well..
Once she found a mirror, she straightned up her hair a bit and then decided that she didn't give a fuck so she went outside anyway, without fixing yesterday's makeup up either. This was a common occurrence for her.

She met Poppy and Viva who were talking outside the door.
"Today's going to be so fun!" Poppy exclaimed happily, her bubbly personality still shining through even when dawn had barely broken.

"Yep, can't wait," Barb agreed, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she cracked a smile.

Surprisingly, Poppy was right. The day actually turned out to be as fun as a pop troll could make it. (A day of rocking out and sleeping in would be better than anything in barbs eyes) the three of them pretty much wandered around the village until they finished the tour at dusk, back where they had started the previous morning at the airships. Poppy immediately noticed the anxious look on Viva's face. Maybe today wasn't a good day to fly? She knew how worried Viva could get sometimes..

"It could probably be dangerous to fly at night if you think about it," Poppy commented, stamping her feet in a cheery manner as she got an idea. "OH MY GOSHHH you guys should totally stay another night, you can just leave tomorrow afternoon or something!"

Viva thought for a moment before agreeing with poppy's suggestion. "You could be right," she added, feeling incredibly grateful that she now wouldn't have to go in that horrid balloon at night. It was way too wobbly for her liking. Also, the thought of another night with Barb seemed nice. After all, Viva had noticed her stealing looks at her throughout the day, not that she minded or anything. "What do you think, Barb?" Viva asked, giving her a little nudge because she looked like she had zoned out.

"What? Oh yeah, cool. I don't care." Barb shrugged, pretty much unsure about what was going on, stuck in her head. Today was another one of those days where guilt seemed to be eating her alive and she just couldn't shake the feeling, no matter how hard she tried.

"Okay, let's head back then," Poppy sang in a sing-song voice, leading the group back to the pod area.


After Poppy had said goodbye to the two, Barb immediately drifted off the moment she hit her bed, although it definitely wasn't the best sleep...


Viva woke up to the quiet sound of- sobbing? Who would be crying so late at night? She was immediately concerned and confused, until she looked over to the source- Barb.

'BARB CAN CRY??' She immediately questioned herself. Barb definitely did not seem like the type- not to judge of course. She just wanted to help.

"Barb..?" Viva whispered to no avail. She didn't want to push her limits at all but.. she was crying for trolls sake! Viva pushed back her thoughts of doubt, instead getting up and walking across the room to sit with Barb. "What's wrong?" Maybe she wasn't the best at comforting trolls because she was immediately shrugged off.

"Go back to sleep," Barb hiccuped, hiding her face.

"Not until I know that you're okay." Viva persisted.
Barb continued to ignore her.

"Was it something that happened? Was it something that I did?" Viva started guessing. "A dream?"

Realizing that Viva wasn't going to stop, Barb nodded in defeat. God, this was so embarrassing. She was like a little kid, still having nightmare problems at her grown age. Suddenly Viva started to move to get up. "W-wait don't go yet-" Barb croaked, feeling her entire ego that she worked so hard for crumble. Hopefully Viva didn't tell secrets like Poppy did. No offense to Poppy.

"Don't worry," Viva reassured her, now thinking.

"Hmm, what ifff," Viva got up and started to push her bed next to Barbs.
She was surprisingly way stronger than any other troll would've thought, moving the bed with ease. Barb guessed that that was what you'd get for having to be basically alone and isolated your whole life, confined to a small abandoned town. A town that used to occupy your very enemies. "...We slept next to each other, just for tonight? So you don't have another nightmare?" She finished.

Barb was now blushing a lot. She nodded, using her hand to wipe off her tear and mascara ridden face.
She didn't know what to say. Why did Viva care so much about some nightmare, why did she care so much about her? They had barely known each other for two days. Luckily she didn't have to say anything because Viva started talking again.

"I've had a lot of nightmares in my life too, so I get how they can be. They feel so real until the moment you wake up and realize everything was fake. I guess that's a bit of a relief, except for the fact that each one is a different and worse retelling of something you've already gone through. Are they like that for you too?" Viva consoled her.

"Sometimes," Barb finally responded. "They're usually about what I tried to do with the strings, but it doesn't matter, it's fine. We should just sleep." Barb said, regretting every single thing she's ever done up until this very moment. She's never broken like this in front of anyone else. How has she gotten so low? What happened to fun Barb?

... To be Continued!! Probably in a few days sorry 😭 I'm not on winter break anymore.

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