Chapt. 11- New Normal

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Viva lay in Barb's beds, resting on her stomach as she listened to Barb pluck at the strings of her electric guitar. She kept her gaze set on her, not looking away for anything. Barb's room was just like her personality, bold but messy. That's what Viva had come to like about her.

Like her name even suggests, she was like barbed wire. Almost impossible to get through to, yet Viva had managed to, and almost with ease. Maybe she just had that effect on others.

Viva could see through Barb. She saw the way she fidgeted when nervous, the way her hands tightened when anything didn't go as planned. She saw her worried expressions that were overshadowed by an apathetic, careless expression. It was clear that she wasn't all confidence and disdain. But it was also clear that Barb didn't accept that. It wasn't that she wasn't all those things- cool, confident, loud- she just had more layers to herself.

“If this wasn't my dad's, I would've smashed it already,” Barb groaned, setting the guitar down carelessly, giving up on finding the right melody for her strings. “...I guess the airships going to be here soon.”

Viva's face contorted. “Yeah.. I wish I didn't have to leave so soon, but I know that my trolls need me.” She said, trying to reason with herself even though she wasn't looking forward to going back at all, mostly because now she had to break up with Clay. Was it the right decision..? Yes. It had to be. Living in fear made her want to settle down for simple, but fear could no longer be a reality for her.
Being the leader of an entire tribe of trolls that had been forgotten about was a lot of pressure, but she was grateful that it wasn't a whole kingdom to take care of like Barb or Poppy had. She still wanted to take care of her “people”.
But she had finally gotten close to Barb, and there were so many things that she still wanted to try. She wanted every morning to be this relaxing, she wanted to spend every night with Barb, every day.
Except, her stay had already been extended when she went back with her to Volcano Rock City, and there was no changing that. Maybe all this was-was an experience. No, she couldn't think that way, it was unlike her. The positive side was always brighter! “I think they would like you.”

Barb gave Viva a toothy grin. “They couldn't handle me,” she said proudly, lifting Viva up from the bed by her hands.

“We should test that theory,” Viva sang, letting Barb stabilize her on the dark red carpet so that she wouldn't fall over. Maybe this vacation didn't have to end..!

Barb thought for a moment, hesitating.
The thought sounded nice to her, looking around Viva's home, hanging out with her as much as possible, maybe singing a few songs…
But she hadn't been much of a queen lately, not really. She had helped with rebuilding the lands destroyed by hers truly, attended the council meetings between the six music type leaders, had and attended a few concerts, but that was it. What was she supposed to be doing as queen? The moment she got her crown all those months ago,  she destroyed everything. But, she wasn't like that anymore, right?

Looking into that hopeful look in Viva's eyes made Barb make up her mind almost immediately-
Fuck it, she needed to be with Viva for at least a little bit longer, just to clear her conscience from all this self doubt that was constantly nagging her. Maybe Viva understood, trolls were probably overlooking her happy, go-lucky attitude all the time.

“Are you sure.?” Barb asked, shifting her weight towards Viva ever so slightly.

“I'm sure,” she winked, happy at Barb's willingness.

Barb turned away flushed at Viva's wink, “Yeah, sure man, I'll go, but only for a little bit. Because, kingdom work and stuff!!” Barb said, brushing her off.


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