Chap. 4- Late Conversations

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"Almost! I think they're both getting along nicely, but Barb doesn't seem like herself, I hope she's okay," Poppy explained, hugging Branch back equally as tight.

"Why don't you talk to her about it?"

"I don't know.." Poppy hesitated. "I doubt that she wants to talk about any of her problems, and as much as I want to help her since she's my best friend and all, I don't want to push her limits. It's only been a few months since the whole 'rock-pocalypse.'" She didn't actually understand why Barb was so closed off, but wanted to respect her ways anyway. Barb would probably be back to her normal, sarcastic self soon.


Barb lay awake, staring up at the ceiling as she listened to Vivas quiet humming, finally feeling herself relax. If any other troll were humming in the middle of the night, it would have probably annoyed the shit out of her, but Viva's voice was so soft that it was seemingly helping her to doze off. She turned herself over to face Viva, noticing that she was knitting- or crocheting or whatever you do with yarn- either way, she had no idea what the difference was.
Barb must have zoned out or something because the next thing she knew, Viva was looking right at her. Woops. She meant to watch Viva do her yarn thing secretly, because yarn was stupid. Yeah. Stupid.
Either way, there was no getting out of this.
God, Barb hated embarrassment.

Suddenly Viva was now sporting a smile. "Barb, you're awake too!?" She asked, accidentally letting a ball of yarn drop to the floor.

It honestly took Barb a few moments too long just to answer with a simple shrug. Not even a sentence or a single word. Just a shoulder movement.

"Well, I think we should talk," Viva glanced over to the clock. 2:41 am. Viva didn't mean to purposely stay up this late, but she was so used to having other trolls, including herself, on constant patrol. It was hard to sleep without the guaranteed safety that her troops provided. She wasn't only worried about bergans coming to Pop Village of course. What if a bergan came to her and her friend's homes in- no. Bergans were nice now, well, according to Poppy. And Viva didn't want to let her sister down with unwanted worries, although she did often feel like she was drowning in them. That bergan attack 20 years ago really did have more of an effect on her than she could ever imagine. At least she wasn't alone with Barb here. Talking would be a nice way to get her mind off of things before she let her thoughts get worse. Plus, Barb was intriguing in a way to Viva. "Complicated rock queen!"

Barb let out an exaggerated groan that made Viva giggle a bit. "Hmmm, nope. I'm going to sleep now," she yawned.

"But barbbb," Viva emphasized the B. "This is sooo boring, just tell me some things about you or something like- what do you even do all day? Besides rock out or whatever?"

"Queen stuff, duh," Barb smiled. "What about you, Blondie?"

"Hmm, I talk to Clay a lot,"

"Who's Clay?"

"He's my boyfriend right now," Viva muttered. It barely even felt like they were dating. It hadn't felt like it in a long time.

"Oh," Barb felt something small break inside of her. It's not like it mattered, that she had a boyfriend that is. Barb's eye twitched. Why was this already bothering her so much? Pretty girl has a boyfriend. Duh.

The moment lingered for a bit as soon as the conversation shifted to the mention of Viva's boyfriend. It felt as though the room had gone still.

Barb instead threw on an amused smirk, keeping her internal reaction a secret. "Get much action with him?"

"Ew! Why would you ask that??" ...She didn't.

"WHATT I'M JUST JOKING," Barb said, portraying herself as innocent, like Viva was the crazy one for acting so appalled at her question. This made Viva snicker a little, which felt like a win for Barb, a bonus being how cute she sounded.

"Just saying, he would probably hate you, he's fantastimazing and all but, in the sense of book clubs and being.. boring? NOT TO BE RUDE TO HIM OF COURSE BUT, you of all people would get it, right Barb? I mean, you just seem really cool.." Viva mumbled out the last part of her sentence, regretting a bit of what she said, not wanting to make anything weird between them since the two had barely met a day ago.

Now it was Barb's turn to laugh, it being as rigged as her voice. Viva didn't seem like the type of troll to say things about others.
"Wasn't expecting that from you, Pinkie. Aren't you all kindness-friendship, like all the rest of the pop kingdom?"


"Shut up, I'm joking," Barb waved her off. "And yeah I get it,"

Viva smiled as another beat of silence passed.

Barb let her eyes wander boredly around the room, searching for anything else to focus on rather than the flickering bright lights above the small kitchenette, the floral patterned corner sofa, the clutter- she was never going to get used to all these colors constantly being in her face.

Barb's gaze strayed back to Viva after a few minutes had passed without either of them saying a single word. She had fallen asleep.

Honestly, I hate how I wrote this chapter and conveyed their emotions but at least it's longer than usual so

Little information on Barb and Viva, please read to understand them more! <3

Barb has been trying to tear down her walls, wanting to let more people in and show the love that she has to give, but has no idea how. Not to mention, she's still coping with what she did, trying to make everyone the same, with the belief that she could be the one to unite everyone together after the pop trolls first tried to. Lots of uncertainty with herself that's overshadowed with fake confidence and sarcasm!!

Viva wants to see the world and learn to forgive but still often feels afraid. She's trying to throw herself out there and get in on what she's missed over the years, but sometimes panic overtakes her and her values. She's also constantly confused on her feelings, like with Clay and Barb.

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