part 4

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I thought with tine Jungkook would find a new target. But a whole year went by and he only got more annoying.

One time he put a rat in my locker, and it chewed all my books! And another find, jungkook pulled out a fake snake from his bag and threw it in my face in the middle of a chemistry class!

I got spooked, tripped and crashed into a table of chemicals. We couldn't enter the lab for a whole week! Thanks to the smell of rotten eggs!

But despite everything, I had one thing going on right: My secret matchmaking website.

I was Ms cupid, famous for giving advice to anonymous kids who were suffering in their love life.

"From:  @ Agent hot abs

Dear Ms cupid,

I have a crush on this mega hot chick, but... Since she's the most popular girl in school, she never noticed me.

How do I get her to date me?"

"Dear agent hot abs,

I'm sorry, but the only way you'll get a girl like that to date in your dreams. But try the math clubs, drama club, and polar bear rights club. You've got a lot of pretty girls in there!"


And a month later, agent got abs confirmed that he was dating a theater club girl. Another time, I got an email from the 'bimbo babe'

"Dear Ms cupid,

I want a boyfriend but I don't want to sound too desperate.

What should I do?"

"Dear bimbo babe

If you're writing this email, it means you're already desperate. And something about your username tells me you're not too smart either. Try searching the library for some hot geeks! This way you can find a date and maybe learn a thing or two. Win-win!"

I pressed the send button on my laptop and got up from the chair. And a week later, bimbo babe was dating someone too! Another score for Miss Cupid!

"I'm making your dreams come true~ ooh-ooh-ooh~" I sang and I stretched my arms as I was sitting for so long.

"THERE YOU ARE!" I jumped in shock as jungkook walked up from behind me.

Now what he wants?


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