part 9

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The next day when I went to school, I figured out Claire and jungkook they both were officially dating.

Jungkook was so lost in Claire's love, he didn't pay any attention to me..... No pranks, no rude comments, not even a glance! And it made me so mad, but I knew it was only a matter of days till Claire would dump Jungkook.

Despite our weird relationship, he was kinda the only friend I had and I don't want him to end up hating me after Claire dumped him. So, I tried talking to Claire about it.

"So you and Jungkook, huh? When are you dumping him?" I said as I entered her room. She was applying pink lipstick on her lips.

"I actually like this guy and I think I'm gonna stick around" she said looking at me through the mirror and smacked her lips together to get the better result

"But he's so uncultured and weird and I might warn you, he has an unhealthy obsession with rubber chicken toys. It's bizarre" I tried convincing her

"So? He's a funny guy and why are you so interested in Jungkook, anyway? You've never paid attention to the guys I've dated in the past" she chuckled and finally turned around after putting down the lipstick inside her drawer.

"I'm just looking out for you"

Claire got up from her chair and walked up to me, "Yeah right, stop prying and mind your own business!" She then cat walked her way out of the room and I kept thinking about what she said.

Why was it bothering me so much that Jungkook was dating Claire? Did I have feelings for him?

Ew, No! Yuck!

I just shoved whatever stupid thoughts I had to a side and decided to focus on my studies. But my concentration was all over the place.

Then one day, I was in the library breaking my head over some complicated maths equation when someone pulled my notebook.

"Jungkook! Give that back!" I shouted as I angrily got up from my seat.

"I will when you tell me why you're so mad at me?"


Which kdrama are u watching rn? I'm watching "my demon"!!

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