part 6

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I know it was probably the worst idea to help jungkook but I also didn't want anyone to find out Im Ms cupid. It was the one good thing in my life. I wasn't going to let all my hard work go down the drain. So, I sat up all night trying to find the perfect match for Jungkook.

And the next day, I arranged a few dates for Jungkook but they all ended up in MASSIVE disasters. I repeat- MASSIVE!

"Have you seen my new rubber chicken collection?" Said Jungkook to the girl I set up for him.

"Your what?" She asked confused

"Rubber chicken. Y'know the one you squeeze and it makes a sound. Let me show you an example" he sat straight and cleared his throat.

"I'm a dorky chick~" he clucks like an actual chicken

"And I love to flap my wings~" he keeps clucking and the people in the cafe were giving him weird looks. Not to mention the girl before him totally thought he was crazy

"Okay! Okay! Actually, I just remembered I have to take my car for a manicure. See you around!"

And we never saw her again.

The next day, Jungkook met another girl at a burger joint and sneakily placed his dumb rubber chicken in her burger. Just as she took a bite, the toy made a sound and she almost passed out.

This happened a few more times before I finally lost my mind and cornered Jungkook,

"What's the matter with you!? And what's with this stupid obsession with rubber chickens?!"

"What? I really like them! And If I can't share my passion, what's even the point of having a girlfriend?" He widens his already big eyes and raises his brows

"If you really want this to work, you've gotta step up your date game. Carrying chicken toys to dates is not how you woo a girl!" I crossed my arms on my chest.

"Really? Then how do you 'woo' a girl?" He imitated my action by crossing his arms. Jungkook came closer, staring into my eyes and I let out a surprised gasp.

And for a second, I forgot how to breathe but then he just pulled my laptop closer -which was kept on the table- and stared at the screen.


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