Season 1:the beginning

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Upd:so it's me universe plaguedr so today there would be 5 characters for this season but after 3 or 2 standing well there would be 5 OCS I have will join in so that why i said it's uncommon event but I will try to make the fights longer only depending which canon character you picking and i will talk about why opponent lose or win or tie so yeah it might be rarely for tie to show up around here so just know it will come and I will choose battlefield this time but if you want death battle version it will be here but if you want a different battle then go on omniverse combat book series to choose so Sia and enjoy when I am done.

Five Canon characters:

Ben 10,Unicron,beerus,thanos,shadow

Uncommon event ocs vs:

death-660MK,white soul hydra, wolfteeth wojien,subject villain 59,frostice titan

Death BATTLE:Omniverse combatWhere stories live. Discover now