events list

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who strongest version:this event shows who is stronger version like Mario or Megatron or Godzilla or erc.

battle royal:related to First event but only canon verse or characters fight each other until one standing and it's 1v1v1v1 like that and it's like mega man battle royal video

last standing:this event is very special and it's about opponent who survived from all fights or only opponent standing to face ocs

death cage:it's rare event that if two opponent lives they had to fight each other in small battlefield that is cage that have very dangerous posion, godly electricity,death aura around it, and even worse if one wins it means that winner that to fight OCS but it's rare tho

oc vs ???:is very uncommon and I choose or you choose which my oc can go in the fight.

If character dies they can come back in different fight so yeah

Death BATTLE:Omniverse combatWhere stories live. Discover now