Thanos vs white soul hydra,frostice titan:mad titans

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The introduction?

Universe plaguedr:hi once again and this fight might be interesting or not but let's see who will win this fight so enjoy it

Thanos and the two titans

"Thanos was walking until he was hit by frozen breath and he looks and saw Hydra but it was white soul one and a frozen Titian lands on the ground and roars so Thanos sighs"Thanos:...great Giant brutes..."he said when sent hydra far away and frozen Titian charges that him"

Thanos vs the two titan beasts


"It got hurt but shoot ice wave and then punch the floor when making a large wave and Thanos blocks those but his arms are low frozen so he would jumps high and pinch frozen titan face and use infinite stone called power stone by shooting laser attack and it hurt the frozen titan and it falls down hurt"

"White soul Hydra comes after thanos and shoot white breath of blue energy and ice titan gets up slowly and shoot ice and shockwaves and thanos sighs"

Thanos:you think you can defeat this mad Titan!'s impossible"he said when throws their attack back that them and they got hurt from it and they were both down so thanos would snap his finger and erase white soul hydra"

"Ice titan gets up and combined it's attack and throws it that him and then jumps high and punch with destruction power and Thanos only god low damage and sighs and kicks ice titan and then shoot large beam and it got killed"

Thanos:hmm"the White soul Hydra somehow alive but hold time the neck Regenerates the whole body so yeah now it roars and try to take his soul but he snapped his finger and erase it"how the disappointing I was expecting more" he said when leaves"


Universe plaguedr:yes it was true they are strong but Thanos got everything he needs to defeat them here why👇

Power and abilities:Thanos abilities are superior then theirs powers.

Strength:white soul Hydra and frostice Titan have greater strength then thanos

Speed:Thanos is more faster and he can reaction fast

Forms:Thanos have this but his base form can beat them so yeah.

Durability:Thanos can handle their stronger attacks and he have fought gods so yeah.

Combat/experience/Skill:Thanos got better combat skills and experience to beat them.

Tier/attack potency:Thanos got greater attack potency.

Weaponry:Thanos got infinity gauntlet.

Intelligence:Thanos is far smarts and knows half everythiny.

Stamina:Thanos got better stamina then them.

Thanos:9%/aka 90%

White soul Hydra:1%

Frostice Titan:1%

Now the last fight and I can fix my two dragon ball OCS and more.

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