Arthur Morgan vs Jesse mcree:bounty hunter showdown

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Intro of wild West

"Cowboy self"cowboy:hey there welcome to wild West we have showdowns and death so this is what going to happen here buddy so enjoy this wild fight heheh now enjoy partner.

Wild meeting.

"Arthur walks and he was so fucken piss off but stops and sees some thugs walking and noticed them so he shoots them with one bullet but hear someone voice"

Jesse:so you must be the outlaw I been heard of in legends let's just do the easy way or the hard way your choice is yours"he said when smiled and ready to pull his gun"

"Arthur looked at him and he smiled a little"Arthur:very well then I guess we had to do the hard way"he said when pulls out his gun and shoots at jesse but he dodge it"

Cowboy showdown


"Jesse looked around and Arthur was gone but then again Arthur appear front of him and kicks him and shot his gun again and Jesse gets hit but only took low damage and he smiled"Jesse:jeez you are stealthy one let's see you can find again"he said when jumps high and vanished and then beings out his favorite weapon and shoot it that Arthur that he dodged it but his leg was gotten by the bullet and he hides healing slowly but then Jesse breaks through the wall and punches Arthur stomach and then his jaw but Arthur grab Jesse and stabs him with a knife but take the hits and grab Arthur arm and kicks him into wall and punches him a lot and then stands back and takes out his weapon but Arthur was gone"

Arthur thoughts:damn it...I guess I had to use some of my great skills on this son of bitch"he said in his thoughts and healing his self slowly but then he sneaks by and Jesse looked around and kept his guard up"

Jesse:you know you can't win this way and I thought you would be a little bit tougher"he said when smiled but Arthur comes out and says"

Arthur:as you wish"he said when in slow motion he aims and shoots at Jesse sole spots and hits Jesse stomach"

Round two

"Jesse got hurt and falls down and laughed a little bec he was half fine and was bleeding less"Jesse:nice trick but we will see how you handle this!

"He said when throw a flash grenade and Arthur was blind for moment and Jesse charges and kicks Arthur in the stomach and shoots at Arthur arm and leg"Arthur:grr...damn you..."he said when shoots back at him that are fire bullet and jesse dodge and smiled"

Jesse:sad for you I know how to defeat you with ease."he said when charges that him awhile Arthur shoots explosive rounds at Jesse that missed but some hit Jesse but he was near Arthur but Arthur takes out the Dynamite and activated it and it exploded at them and they both sent flying so Jesse went in the wall hard and Arthur got hit in the box hard"

Final showdown and sad ending

"Arthur gets up bleeding and holding his Revolver and same time Jesse gets up half hurr and holding his weapon"

Jesse:well let's see who can....hit first...what you say?..."he said when points his gun at Arthur from 4 meters away""he said when points at his gun as well and then after they count to 5 they shoot when they said 1 and birds can be heard flying away and then Arthur was hit in the heart and he smiled"you lucky son of bitch....."he said his last words and died in the floor and Jesse wasn't hit bec he shot first in his own react speed and he walks to his dead corpse and noticed something.

Jesse:what the hell?"he said when pulls out two photos of his father and his fav dog and he was shock and got small tear in his one eye and then put it back on Arthur corpse and lifted him up and walks away with his corpse of the up the rising"


"Cowboy self was crying a lot for no reason and I appeared"Universe plaguedr:well i guess i had to say this but Arthur got good abilities but jesse got what he needs to beat him so here how:⬇️

Power/abilities:Arthur take this one Bec he got more abilities and power to face him.

Strength:equal first time seeing that eh?

Speed:Jesse got more reaction and speed to dodge and fight fast.


Durability:Jesse can handle attacks and punches then Arthur since Jesse is large building in Durability.

Combat/experience/Skill:equal since they both got good combat skills and good experiences and skills as well.

Tier/attack potency:equal as always.

Weaponry:Jesse got what he need to handle Arthur weapons or his abilities as well.

Intelligence:equal since they both genius.


Feats:Jesse got more good feats then Arthur does.

So when they are equal in attack potency/tier I will use feats option on any opponent vs opponent that have equal attack potency/tier.

Arthur Morgan:6

Jesse Mcree:9

Death BATTLE:Omniverse combatWhere stories live. Discover now