The Biker

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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

KiRin had just finished showering when Roxy's voice came over the intercom. "Rinnie," she said. "I've got a surprise for you."

KiRin hobbled over to the intercom, one leg in her pants, and still not wearing a shirt. "What kind of surprise?" she asked.

"The kind that is going to make you squeal, lovely."

"Well can it wait like five minutes? I'm just getting dressed."

"I suppose," Roxy said dramatically, but giggled and signed off to leave KiRin to finish pulling on her clothes. Jude had left about half an hour ago to pick up some groceries for Andrew, and Jay was just finishing up his shower, so she poked her head into the bathroom and told him to meet her downstairs when he was done before heading down the front stairs.

"Roxy?" she called. "What's the surprise?" She didn't even need Roxy to answer, because the moment she rounded the corner into the living area, she saw exactly what it was. Sitting at the bar with two lates from Café Luxxe on the counter in front of her and grinning.

"Luna!" KiRin squealed, running forward into Luna's open arms. The taller woman laughed and hugged her tight, and they swayed back and forth for a few minutes with manic grins on their faces. Finally, KiRin pulled back, only stepping back one step so that her arms stayed around Luna's neck, and asked, "When did you get into town? I thought you weren't going to be back until January?"

"Filming wrapped up sooner than I thought it would," Luna said. "I was going to call, but Roxy thought it would be more fun to surprise you."

"Roxy was right." Both of them turned to their friend, who was standing off to the side with a grin and a late of her own. "You're the best, Rox," KiRin told her.

"I know," she said with a shrug. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have two men upstairs waiting for these." She held up another couple of coffees in a drink carrier and headed up to Levi and MinHo's room, leaving the other two alone.

"So?" Luna said expectantly, passing KiRin a coffee as they sat down. "Did you make a choice yet?"

"I have," KiRin said, taking a sip of the late and doing a little happy dance before sitting back in her seat. "And then the two of us made a decision that I think you might like."

"And what would that be?"

"How would you feel about being a quad?" Luna's eyes went wide and she nearly spued coffee.

"A quad?" she asked. "Like the two of us and..."

"Jay, and Jude."

"Jay? As in Gawain, Jay?" KiRin nodded and smiled, and Luna went slack jawed, but nodded as well.

After a few seconds she snapped back to herself and said, "So I get to have you, and two of the most gorgeous men in the world?" KiRin nodded again and Luna laughed maniacally. "Oh my god, and here I thought I'd woken up already this morning."

"So had I," said a male voice. Both of them turned to see Jay sauntering out of the dining room and into the kitchen. "Clearly I'm still asleep though, because Luna Cho is sitting in my kitchen."

"You know who I am?"

"Know who you..." Jay barked a laugh. "I'm not sure how I could not know who you are. It's not like you aren't the face of half the major clothing brands in the country. And here you are, sitting in my kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee with my girlfriend like it's the most natural thing in the world."

"Jay," KiRin said with a giggle. "Honey, this is Luna. My Luna."

"Your Luna?" Jay asked. "Like your bestest friend Luna, who you want to..." He trailed off when KiRin nodded. "Well fuck me sideways." Jay came forward and took Luna's hand in his, placing a gentle kiss to her fingers. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Luna. I'm Jason Kang."

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