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Han sat in the back of the quiet eight seater SUV with Hanna. The cab was quiet as Jude drove through the streets of LA. KiRin had fallen asleep on Jay's shoulder, and Luna and Jude talked in hushed tones in the front seat, discussing the quartet's plans for Christmas and whether to let their parents in on the true relationship between the four of them.

Han had ridden to the ballet with Joe and Stella, but they had agreed that in order to make Hanna more comfortable he should ride with her and the quartet, and Joe and Stella would meet them at home. He knew he should try to talk to Hanna. She was beautiful and sweet, and KiRin had told him she was perfect for the three of them, him in particular, but he couldn't shake the nerves. "What is wrong with you?" he muttered to himself. "You literally perform in front of millions of screaming women for a damn living. Why are you scared of one tiny little woman? She's even a fan dumbass."

"Um, Yo-Han?" Hanna said in a near whisper. Han looked over to see her looking at him with concern.

"Yeah?" He could feel the heat in his cheeks raising at having been caught talking to himself.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He sighed. Then, taking a deep breath he did what he knew he had to. He told her the truth. "I'm just a little nervous is all."

"Nervous?" Hanna asked, "Why would you be nervous?"

"Because I'm in the back seat of a car with an absolutely stunning woman, whom I have been told by multiple people is absolutely perfect for me." He chuckled, "I was kind of giving myself a little 'pep-talk' I guess you could say."

"A pep-talk?" Hanna laughed, "Percival needs a pep-talk to talk to a woman?"

"Percival doesn't, but Han does. Especially when the woman is as beautiful as you." Hanna blushed, and looked down at her lap. "And adorable too, apparently."

"Oh, my goodness!" she giggled, "You have to stop. I can't take the compliments."

"But your reactions are so adorable." Hanna opened her mouth to answer, when the car came to a stop in front of a large house and Jude got out and headed to the front door. She watched for a moment, curious, then turned to Han.

"Where are we anyway?"

"Jude's parents' place. We're just picking up Andy." Hanna was about to ask who Andy was, when Jude came back out, carrying the pajama clad toddler, who was fast asleep in his arms and clutching his bear. It was then that she noticed the car seat in the middle row, which she had been too distracted earlier to really make note of.

"That's a toddler." Hanna said.

"Yup." Han chuckled as Jude buckled Andrew into the seat, and quietly closed the door before heading back to the driver's seat. "We'll explain later." The rest of the ride was spent in silence so that they didn't wake the sleeping little boy. When they reached the house, Luna carefully took Andrew from his seat after waving Jude off, and carried him in the house, while Jay very carefully picked up the sound asleep KiRin and did the same.

"Is Rinnie okay?" Hanna asked. It was only ten at night, and typically KiRin would be up until midnight on a weekend, but she had been tired the past couple of weeks from end of year workload, and had been falling asleep earlier than usual the last week or so.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "she's just tired. It's been a long couple of weeks. C'mon," he helped her out of the car and lead her into the house. "How about we have a drink upstairs?" Hanna nodded and followed him inside, where she paused to look at the décor.

"Wow," she said, quietly. "This is beautiful."

"Thanks." Han said with a grin. "Not that I can take any form of credit. Levi and Min did the decorating. Only thing I contributed was the piano."

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