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The girl was sitting alone, her blood was covered in blood but not her blood. She rubbed her arms trying to get off the blood that cling to her small frame.

The lifeless forms of her family lay scattered around her, a scene made even more unsettling was flowers on top, as if the killer sought to add a touch of artistry to the grim composition.

The room echoed with silence until a distant voice broke the spell, calling out, “You,” She heard the sound and looked up at the person with a sinister smile.

She screamed and started running.

“Come on honey, don't run, I am already tired after k'lling.” The person exclaimed, she ran upstairs and his heavy footsteps followed.

“Ella? Darling stop where are you hiding?” The person said and she hid in the corner trying to make no noise. But then the wardrobe door opened. “Caught you,”

The person pulled her by her leg, dragging her downstairs. She watched as 9 people gathered around picking up the bodies, she tried to grab the hand of her now dead father but she couldn't.

Instead she held the flower, the flowers and the deadbodies was the last thing she saw before losing consciousness.


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