6 Captain Dickwad.

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Over the next few weeks, you reached out to your company, and they have a contract for you in February for 6 weeks. The lawyer has also been in contact. You knew this would happen, the world starts opening up and shit face starts his fuckery. The lawyer called and said that you had received a new summons for court, but this time it was for Military Court. Your date for appearing is in May. There are still a few restrictions with quarantine but not as many.

When you arrive at the airport, a security official meets you. Its a little overwhelming. The lawyer is waiting for you by the car. He tells you that, the driver will take you to the hotel for the quarantine period. He says when you are settled to call him and he will meet you to discuss the next steps. The drive to the hotel takes just over two hours. You are shown straight to your room. The security detail, locks your phone and passport inside a lockbox, this is to ensure you don't talk about the upcoming case. He tells you that all phone calls to and from the room are recorded. They have appointed you a linguistic co Ordinator. Calling your lawyer, you tell him about it. He says "it was DJ's legal team, they want to discredit you and belittle you, they are saying you don't understand how Korea works and its language can be confusing. But once we show them your credentials and your past contracts, the judge will see its just a bad ploy against you". Once the quarantine week is over, you are moved to a new hotel, closer to the military court house. You called your sister to tell her about the move and that you would call her in the next week to ten days, that if she needs to know about your health to call HaJoon.

Its all very grand and intimidating to look at. The polished stone floors and marble staircases. The shiny light fixtures and oversized windows, with opulent curtains framing them, letting all the spring light in. Your lawyer meets you and with him is your financial advisor (F.A) and a military guard.

The judge welcomes you to the room, sets out what the next week will entail and asks if you are ok to go ahead. "Your honour, I believe you have had time to review the defendants credentials, she will not need the use of a linguistics co Ordinator as she herself is fluent in Korean and English as well as other languages." The judge nods to, and sends the L.CO, out. He speaks to DJ's team. "this was an unnecessary use of court resources." he's already pissed and this is just adding to it. "Your honour," DJ's lawyer stands and bows, "we are sorry that this displeases you, we take accountability for this." The Judge turns to HaJoon, "do you have anything to add at this time?" Your lawyer stands and bows too, "your honour, you have had time to review the claimants case, stating his claim for Ancillary relief, that he is entitled to financial support for his former partner. He has also put a petition forward, claiming the defendant for defamation of character. This simply is not the case." The Judge nods his head and looks to DJ's team. They are silent. DJ hasn't taken his eyes off you, since you entered, HaJoon said this is an intimidation tactic, to make you feel small. But as you have done nothing wrong, you have to hold your head high, don't look at him, but passed him. This will make him feel uneasy. Fucking legal bullshit. Give me five minutes with him, a swift kick to his ken doll dick area and he would stop this nonsense. His poor fucking family. Just give up already. They have been through enough.

The next six days, DJs team try to show you in a bad light, bringing up your nationally, saying you didn't have Korean values at heart. Your working life, how you are always travelling. How as a foreigner your intentions were always to marry within your own race. They even tried to accuse you of coercing DJ into the relationship to gain access to Korean military secrets. All the time HaJoon repeats the same sentence "objection, unfounded." When his team rest your Lawyer smashes them with evidence to prove you bought everything that was in your apartment, that your contracts in the time frame of your relationship were all legal and completed with integratory. That you are a person of moral standing and not liable to finance DJ. That his family accepted you. That it was his choice to enter service and it was done so without any prior communication between his parents or you. The last part, you still smile at. The defamation claim. He said that you had told his friends and family about his early release from service. When all the communications came from him and his wife. "Lee DongJin is a capable person. If he was able to orchestrate his early release from mandatory service, to scam his father into paying for it and to meet and marry a fellow soldiers sister, he is capable of repaying his father and his debt to the military board. That none of that responsibility or burden is yours, to say that you have told lies about him, when in reality he is the one spreading lies. That all claims should be dropped and a restraining order issued against him to protect you. That all communications have to legally cease. That DJ should be dealt with by the military court but that the you, should be free to return to your life, safe in the knowledge that you will never hear from him again". The judge listens to HaJoon and takes into consideration all the facts and evidence. He retires to his chambers to make a deliberate. But returns less than an hour later. "Lee DongJin, you have been brought here to face questions on your behaviour, your conduct while in service to the South Korean army, you have brought shame to your family, to yourself and your wife, but you also brought shame upon this young woman. I think its a travesty that you have gone this far in your endeavours to evade your responsibility as a Korean. I hereby rule in favour of the defendant. All claims are cancelled, you are now free to leave the courtroom. Thank you for your candour and for your love towards our country. You may however want to stay to hear the last part." the judge flashes the tiniest smile your way before passing his final judgement "Lee DongJin. You will now be placed in military custody while we decide on a punishment fitting your woeful behaviour. Your family will be reimbursed by the courts, and you will pay off that debt to the military services by means of mandatory service to recommence. Upon completion, you will be dishonourably discharged. Your family will not receive the stigma.

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