23 Red carpet, Red tape

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You arrive at the venue an hour early, and the team has also arrived early. Good. Now, the time sheets are handed out, and the safety procedures are gone over. These are the exits, in case of a fire, blah blah blah.
Everyone gathers at the booth. Checking that the comms packs are working and we are all on the same channel. We are shown to our break room. Your hair is still pinned back, "please, someone remind me to take out the clips b4 we head outside." You have had your hair curled, make up applied, and you're looking good. You decided against the underwear. But have it ready for when and if you see Hoseok later.

The crowds are huge, and a lot of fans here to see their favourites. The media all have their badges and stations. They have been set up in groups according to language. This makes it easier for linguistic support to help with interviews.

It's time to work.
Pins out and heels on.

It's electric. The energy from the crowds, the media, and then the famous faces. Some of them recognise you and say "its been a while", others remember you but can't place you. You don't stop for a solid 90 minutes. Moving between the team making sure that everyone is OK that there's no issues, everything is going well until the newbie from yesterday gets star stuck by Shawn mendes, trys to get a hug, and you have to step in. "Hey, sorry, you have admirers everywhere, I guess some are just better at hiding it." You are apologising for someone else behaviour. Leaning into the worker, "Go take a break, you have almost embarrassed yourself." Smiling through the anger. Shawn laughs it off. "Hey, it's always nice to meet an eager fan." He walks on, but now this area is unmanned. It's the European section. Meaning French, Spanish, Italian, and German. So you radio through to the team, that you're on this area for the next block. You know most of the media speak English, but it's always a nice touch to have someone who knows your native language.
It's not long before you spot a band that you know. They have been busy since the last time you saw them.

"Ehi, è da tanto che non ci vediamo. chi ti ha fatto entrare, sicurezza! "Hey, long time ow see, who let you in, security!)" They hear you and burst out laughing. "Nah, don't joke like that, for a second I was worried." Vic greets you. The only thing with Italian's is 3 kisses for each member. "Hi guys, my Italian is very rusty, but I couldn't help myself." The press take pictures and ask their questions. The group are a rock band from Italy and have been making music for five years. They got their break into the US in early summer. As the group is about to leave, a loud cheer rings out. Everyone turns their heads to see what the fuss is about. You know, there's no need to turn. You felt his eye on you just before the cheers. "We are around for a few days, call you, and we can do coffee," Vic says in your ear.
The newbie returns, looking humble. "Listen, I get it, but remember, they are only people. They put their trousers on one leg at a time, too. You have a talent they don't, that's why you're here. OK, you're just as important, and without you, they won't sparkle"

Making a beeline for the rest stop, you check your makeup, hair, and smooth out the already perfect dress. You do a comms check, making sure your team is OK and head back out. The noise levels have grown, and the media are clamouring for the best angles and its kind of chaos.
Turning the volume on your head sets up was a good idea. The crowd quieten down a little once the group gets into the press zone. Damn they are looking fine. Nicole spots you and gives you a small wave and head tilt. This is work, not a party. Keep your head on. There's a noise from your left side that catches your attention. It's the other Hpa, "Hey, girl, I almost didn't recognise you. It's been so long. " she's got her arms stretched out towards you, and you embrace each other like old friends. " I'm really sorry, I didn't keep up the chat, life just has a way of taking over, you know." You are genuinely sad that you haven't kept in contact. "Ah, life is life. It's hard. But it's good to see you working again, you look beautiful by the way, you should be on this side of the cameras" Becky always has a way of making you feel beautiful and she also means what she says. After the MV in LA you had swapped messages and called a few times, she happened to call one night a year ago when you were drunk and feeling sorry for yourself, you had forgotten about it until now. "B, please don't hold that last video call against me, I was going through some wine and personal stuff." Almost immediately she hugs you again."Hey, hey, none of that, you're adorable when you're drunk. The only reason I didn't call back was that I wanted to give you time to grieve. It's not something I want to ever experience, infant loss. But look your working and back to being a boss bitch, I was watching you while walking the carpet, you have your headset and are owning it" she kisses your check and says she will call you by the end of next week.
The group is getting closer, and you're not sure if you should hang around pretending to monitor the team or actually leave the area. Hoseok is looking so good that you are sure you have dribbled from both sets of lips. Good, a decision was made for you. "Can you help with section 3," Off you go," "Ah shit, it's them. ok, so the universe wants us to see each other." OK. I see what you're putting out there.
You say to someone from the security team that they need to push back the noise. This just means better crowd control. The guards swap a chat on their coms, and the crowd moves back a little, and the noise levels lower. Now, at least the media can hear their own voices.
"Hey, Huni, it's really manic in here," says Nicole when you get close enough. The groups security is many. For each member, there's a boss guard and 2 subs. It's a sea of black suits. The interviews go by smoothly, and the team are getting ready to go to their green rooms. When Hoseok walks behind you and says, "You look incredible," he winks and leaves. Yep, I'm definitely drooling and dripping now.

There's another 20 minutes of the carpet, and then everyone will be seated. This gives you and your team time to gather and update, swap stories, and take a break. The majority of them will now leave and take their place in the public section of the hall. They are free to have a drink and dance and have fun. You still have a booth to run. Once there, it's 10 mins before the event starts. You call your sister and show her the final setup of the booth. You have made sure there are snacks and plenty of them. There's champagne, fruit cocktails, and water. The screens have been set up so that the acts can see what is happening on stage. Also means you can watch from the sofa.

The evening goes by without a hitch, some artists stop to check out the booth, some take pictures, and others just wave as they return to their seats. The guys finished their second performance and came to say hi. They don't stay too long as they are also presenting an award. In the minutes that they are there, Jungkook manages to find and eat some snacks, Jimin does too. Nam and Yoongi take some water. Hoseok is smiling, but as there are other people there, the photographer and some bloggers, he keeps his distance but still has his eye on you.

Once the celebrations are over and the artists have mingled in the main hall, they leave in their own cars. Your remaining team, you, and two others are asked to help with the shutdown. You stay for an hour helping out, your phone going nuts the whole time. Finally you get into a car and head for your hotel house. You managed to gain some goodies, a gift bag from a phone company, and a few vouchers for facials. Perfect gifts for my sister.
In the car you check your phone. Messages from Cole, Button, and Hoseok also one from Damino of Maneskin and B. The new ones can wait till tomorrow. Your sister just says to have a good time, and you don't have to be cinerella and at midnight. Coles is telling you how hot you look with a picture. 'She caught a good angle' Hoseoks, however, start off sweet and light and then turn into pure unfiltered nasty. He's down bad, and so are you. You try to call him to tell him to calm down with the sexy but it doesn't go through.
Sending a message to Nicole, she answered and said the guys are live and to come over. She sends you the floor number and says she will leave a key at reception for you under the name of "Woodstock." Rolling your eyes, you laugh out loud.

Once back at the house, you put some relaxed clothes into a backpack along with some sliders, a quick underwear swap too. Picking up some Soju, you head over. On the way you check, the guys are still live. Sending a message to Cole to say I'm outside, come and meet me.
You're feeling really nervous. Probably because its the first time you've actually spent with them where everything is out in the open.
It's not Nicole that meets you but one of the security team. They check your bag and ask you to sign in. Checking the document you are given, you put an x on the line. The guard looks at you, "Miss, you have to sign this. It's an NDA."
"Aw huni, you think I don't know this, I will only sign if my friend asks me to. As you are not one of my friends, I can't do that." He's not happy, "listen, if you want to keep me standing outside waiting, I will. But it's your ass on the line, " he radios into his team. Another guard comes out, "Why is she standing out here? She's one of the team." He recognises you. He was the one sent to find Hoseok at your place. He lifts his hand as if to backhand the first guy. "Hey, stop it. He just isn't aware that I've worked with the team, but I won't be signing anything. " he nods and moves back to let you in.

Nicole comes over when you walk in, "Hey, sorry, security wanted to greet you, all good?" You smile and let it go. An error in judgement.

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