003. Le roi, la reine, la étoile

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Chapter Three, The King, The Queen, The Star

Everyone was ready to watch the next viewing although they wondered what they would see.

The screen turns on to show a living room and in it is five children, two boys and three girls; one of the boys who looked to be twelve had know white hair and silver eyes and the other who looked to be about thirteen has pitch black curls pale skin and sea green eyes with specks of silver like stars. The taller of the three girls who looked to be eleven had pale blonde hair and silvery blue eyes; the second had dark brown hair that fell in waves, hazel eyes and looked to be the same age as the first boy and the final girl who looks to be eleven like the first girl has wavy pitch black hair, a sun kissed tan and silver eyes like stars.

They are Draco, Percy, Luna, Pansy and Hyacinth respectively. We then start to hear what they are saying

"Who are they all." Araxes Malfoy asked as one of those children looked like his son.

Everyone knew that the dark haired boy was Perseus but they didn't know who the rest were, but Apollo did have a strange feeling in his gut at the silver eyed girl on screen, her features seemed familiar.

Draco Lucius Malfoy son of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black

Penthesilea Persephone Parkinson-Lestrange Daughter of Polaris Parkinson and Rabastan Lestrange

Luna Athanasia Lovegood daughter of Pandora Rosier and Xenophilius Lovegood

And finally Hyacinth Cassandra Black daughter of Regulus Black and Poseidon

Everyone looked at the screen in shock especially the parents in question - Pandora since she wasn't there in the great hall.

Xenophilius looked at the screen in shock that he would have a childe with lovely Pandora.

"A grandson." Abraxes said proudly. His son meanwhile was looking at his future child in shock.

Reinhard looked at his future granddaughter Pansy with a soft gaze, she must have had her mother's coloring but otherwise she was the miniature of his late wife Silea.

"Oh she's beautiful Sei." Hera told her brother. She looked at her brother with a smile before she turned back to admiring her future niece.

Poseidon felt his lips curving up in a smile; at least if nothing else this made Hera happy and from the way his nephew looked at his mother with a smile he could tell Ares agreed with him.

"Thank you sister." Poseidon smiled at his baby sister. He looked at the screen and he couldn't deny that Hera was right, but then again any child born of him and his Star was bound to be utterly beautiful just like her.. although his daughter's name left him worried; especially as he took a glance as his nephew who was sitting stock still in his seat.

Said Nephew felt the air get kicked out of his lungs at what was just said, Hyacinth and Cassandra.. what were the odds that Poseidon's daughter would be named after two of the people who haunted him the most–What's next would he meet someone named Daphne in the future; it would complete the set.

'Gods the worst part is that she looks just like the two of them.' Apollo thought; the two had the same coloring so that was a giveaway but her nose was like Hyacinthus and her hair was wavy just like beloved Cassandra's.. this girl was his ghosts, his greatest failure(he failed to protect his prince of Sparta) and his greatest regret(he had alway regretted what he did to the Prophetess of Troy and wished many times that he could change what he did to her) come back to haunt him.

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