You Can't Say That You're Not!

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-  He was doing it again. He was praying that everything was fine. That they would come back.. that maybe, just maybe, it could be real this time.  -

Tommy woke up to his alarm and smiled when he realized it was the weekend. He quickly messaged Purpled, only to find out the message wouldn't go through. He tried again. And again. One more time.. nothing. He was blocked. Why though? 

Tommy messaged Deo, being blocked there as well. What the fuck was going on? 

Before Tommy could say any more, his doorbell rang and Tommy was already sprinting down the stairs. When he opened the door, he was shocked to see nothing but a small box on the ground. Tommy picked it up and analyzed it for a moment. There was a note. 

Grabbing the note, Tommy realized it was Purpled's handwriting. 

Tommy, don't try contacting me nor Deo. Why would you lash out on Phil like that? What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't you know he could've killed you? Me and Deo want nothing to do with you for the time being. Honestly, be better.

Tommy was taken aback. What the fuck did he do wrong? All he did was defend Purpled, and now he lost two close friends.

Tommy rushed back inside his house and grabbed his phone out of his pocket, quickly calling Sapnap. No answer. Tommy called George and sighed of relief when the phone was picked up. "Hello?" "George! Are you with Deo right now?" The other side of the call was silent. 

"No. He isn't supposed to come in today. Why?" Tommy groaned. "Apparently, me telling Phil to "fuck off" angered Purpled and now both him and Deo blocked me!" Tommy hoped that George would have a better response than just staying silent. No one spoke for almost 5 minutes, so Tommy hung up.  


It's been 2 weeks since Tommy was blocked, and he still heard nothing from either of his friends, so, doing the most logical thing a person can do,  he gave up. Yup. THE Tommy Innit gave up. He didn't want to be annoying, and he definitely didn't want to seem clingy and desperate. So, he didn't try contacting them anymore, he didn't try looking for them, and he just worked like he did every day. As if they never existed.


Tommy was walking back home from the store when he passed by two familiar faces. Holy shit. The people that passed him turned around the same time that he did, and they all screamed at the same time, "TOMMY?" "RANBOO? TUBBO?" All three of them ran up to each other and started screaming. Their screams were filled purely with joy. "Where have you been?" Tubbo, the short and chaotic one asked. "After my parents died, I was forced to move here. I thought you guys wanted to live in Manburg or- or Pogtopia?" Tubbo shook his head. "We changed our mind. It would've been boring without you! How have you been? Good? Well, me and Ranboo just got here a few weeks ago actually, can we stay with you? Our apartment is shitty and run down. It's fine if you don't want to, but we'd really appreciate it. What have you been doing here by the way? Where do you work? Have you made any new friends?" Tubbo ranted, until Tommy finally got tired.

"I've been fine Toby. I work at a nice cafe, and of course you guys can move in. I did make some friends, and i'll introduce you to them some time this week." Tubbo nodded frantically and started smiling ear to ear. "How about you Ranboo? Any questions?" The tall boy shook his head. "Tubbo asked all of them already." Ranboo awkwardly chuckled and scratched the back of his head. 

Tommy and these two boys were the best of friends from first grade to high school. They cut contact when they went to high school. Well, they stopped seeing each other face to face when Tommy left town in 3rd grade, but they stopped messaging and texting each other at the end of high school, which was three years ago. 

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