What Did You Just Say?

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It's weird, isn't it? Usually stories have a whole dialogue or battle before someone dies, but Tommy's was plain and simple. He didn't have any last words, he never said he final goodbyes, and he couldn't even process his own death.

Why is it like this? Why is the story not like the usual ones? Why is it different? And why was the death so sudden? Is this what the real world is like? Is this what reality is? No one has their picture perfect goodbyes, and it's not as dramatic as it is in the books. But this is a story, why is it going along with reality?

In the real world, people just die. They're either aware they're about to die, or they have no idea what's about to come next. The world works in interesting ways. A few times, I catch myself zoning out and thinking about how things work. Why do humans feel emotions for these fictional characters? Obviously you're aware that everyone in this story isn't real. In the real world, they're streamers. Actual humans who have no idea this story exists. So why do you cry over some stories? You know it's not real, so why? These people are still living and going along with their day. None of the events in the story are happening to them in real life.

Another thing that confuses me is kindness. Why do humans show so much kindness even to the people that hurt them? Is it just natural or should I be curious?

No. This chapter isn't supposed to be a QnA. This is about Tommy.

Jack Manifold promised Tommy that he wouldn't kill him if he won a simple game of cards, which Tommy did end up winning. But he still died. Why are people like that? Is it common to ignore people and break promises? Tommy is more then aware that promises are fake by now. He lost his life because he wanted to think that some people still had a heart.

I'm sorry I'm talking so much. You probably don't even know who I am, but I couldn't just tell this story without interacting with my readers at least once. How's your day? How's the story so far? Are you excited that it's almost over? Just this and the next. And it's done.

How do you feel about things ending? Do you cry when something ends? Or are you happy that you no longer have to deal with it?

Well.. it's time for me to go. This is our first and last goodbye. Something Tommy couldn't give. Goodbye reader, for this is the last time I speak to you. For now though, enjoy the story.


A field. A beautiful and colorful field. It had bees, flowers, and an amazing view of the sunset. It was relaxing and nearly made Tommy forget what happened. He died. "Sorry Tommy, but I lied." That was the last sentence he heard before he was shot in the head. Is it his fault for trusting Jack? Or is it Jack's for shooting him. Either way, Tommy can't go back. He wishes this was like his average story. He'll be saved and come back to life. But no, that's not how it works. He can't go back and he can't be revived. But he had so much to live for. Why did the Gods allow his death? Shouldn't they stop these things from happening? Tommy would never know. But now isn't the time for him to think about it. Where is he? How does he leave? Is this the afterlife? An endless field with no human contact.

This can't be the end though. This can't be where Tommy stays for the rest of his life.

Tommy continued walking through the field. The grass was getting shorter. Tommy could see a small cabin in the distance. People. There's people here! The strangers turned towards Tommy and smiled. Tommy smiled back. He might just be fine with this. They weren't strangers. It was his mom. It was his childhood best friend. All the people he knew. They were here. Tommy ran towards them and he embraced them in a hug. He missed it. So, he cried. He cried all the way to a spare room they had, and he never stopped. Why was he crying? Was it because he abandons all his friend? Maybe it's because he'll never be able to see where his friends get in life. He'll never be able to make it to 20. Was he crying because he gets to see his real family again? Maybe it's all of those reasons. Maybe that's why he can't seem to stop crying.

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