No.. I Don't Want To Be Here Anymore

68 3 2

I just wana say TYSMM for 61 reads😭.  It means so much and I'm glad my story is reaching more people. I apologize for any mistakes in the story or any plot holes, but this is only my 3rd fanfic so I dont have much experience..

- So, you didn't lie? -

Deo POV:

Me and Purpled were arguing over something stupid again. This always happens. We can never agree on what we want to do. It's stupid, really, but I can't help it. I suggested that we form an alliance with him and his brother in hopes of taking down the SBI. They're not any good for Tommy's health, and even worse for the sake of humanity. 

Tommy thinks that they're some hurt family with too much time on their hands, but it's not true. They're most likely getting close to Tommy to use him as a hostage for whatever plans they have up their dirty sleeves. 

Me and Purpled had to cut contact with Tommy for that reason. Well, multiple reasons actually. But they were all regarding Tommy's physical and mental health.

"Are you even listening?" I heard Purpled yell. I looked up and sighed. The last thing I want to do is lose both of my close friends. "Purpled, please. Can we just agree that it was a bad idea to form this alliance?" Purpled stopped yelling and looked back at me. He looked annoyed but guilty at the same time.  "I'm sorry" he said after a few minutes of silence passed.

I looked away and finally took in my surroundings. Our apartment was filled with random laundry sprawled across the room and multiple files scattered around the kitchen. There were coffee stains on the carpet and random smudges on the wall. What have we been doing? I've been so focused on work that I never paid attention to my own home. I took in a deep breath and grimaced at the smell of mold and mildew. How am I only noticing this now?

Before Purpled could say anything, I walked towards the kitchen and looked around. There was toast in the toaster and it had mold growing on it. Butter was left on the table and bugs were crawling all over it. The table had stains on it and random papers almost covering them. I walked towards the table and it felt like it would fall at any moment. I sighed at my ignorance. I was ruining myself.

"Deo?" Purpled called out to me from the living room. He was confused and lost. He sighed before saying, "I'm going to the store. We need groceries." I nodded and put my head in my hands. I'll clean while he's gone. Even if it takes the entire day. I need to start fixing myself.


I walked to the storage closet and pulled out any cleaning supplies I could find. I walked into the loving roo, and started putting all the clothes into a laundry basket. I found the source of smell. Well, most of it.

Next, I picked up the piles of trash, files, and whatever else was there and vacuumed. The floor was clear, but the stains were still visible. So, I grabbed a scrub and dipped it inside of a bucket with water and soap. I scrubbed the floor until everything was gone, and vacuumed again.

This house desperately needs to be cleaned. It wasn't just the living room and kitchen that were dirty. The bathroom and the bedrooms were also smelly and trashed.

This will take a long time, but hopefully I can bring Tommy here some day and watch movies together with Purpled!



My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was from an unknown number. I opened the contact and my smile fell.

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